Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 20 32 62.5

line true false branch
52 0 18 unless not $val or (ref $val || 'NOREF') eq $expected_reftype
55 12 6 if $val
60 0 3 if @invalid_options
63 0 3 if $self->{'native'} eq "locale"
74 0 3 unless $dbh->isa("DBI::db")
75 0 3 if @invalid_args
83 0 6 if $_ eq "bind_param" and $_[3] and not $self->{'bind_type_is_string'}->($_[3])
89 58 116 $self->{'native'} eq 'default' ? :
96 0 420 unless $_[$i]
99 297 123 if (not ref $_[$i]) { }
18 105 elsif (ref $_[$i] eq 'ARRAY') { }
100 264 33 if dont_need_upgrade($_[$i])
101 0 33 if $debug
108 0 6 if $debug
130 0 39 $previous_cb ? :
147 0 0 if (ref $bind_type || '') eq "HASH"