Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 26 0.0

line true false branch
59 0 0 unless defined $self->schema
71 0 0 if ($by_position) { }
119 0 0 if $vendor eq 'ORACLE' and $table_name =~ /^BIN\$.+\$./
120 0 0 if $vendor eq 'POSTGRESQL' and $table_name =~ /^(?:pg_|sql_)/
121 0 0 if $vendor eq 'SQLITE' and $table_name eq 'sqlite_sequence'
140 0 0 if $vendor eq 'MYSQL' and $$column_data{'mysql_is_pri_key'}
143 0 0 if ($vendor eq 'MYSQL') { }
151 0 0 unless $$info{$table_name}{'primary_keys'}{$_}
160 0 0 if (defined $column_sth)
185 0 0 if ($vendor eq 'SQLITE') { }
189 0 0 if $$row[2] ne $table_name
217 0 0 if ($vendor eq 'MYSQL') { }
221 0 0 if $$hashref{$table_name}