Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 32 59.3

line true false branch
96 0 1 if (not $opts{'file'}) { }
101 0 1 if ($file2 =~ m[^~/])
105 0 1 unless open $opts{'fh'}, ">>", $file2
122 11 9 if ($package eq "DBI::Log")
124 3 8 if ($mcount > 1)
143 5 6 if ($package eq "DBI::Log")
146 0 6 if ($opts{'exclude'})
148 0 0 if ($package =~ /^$item(::|$)/)
156 5 0 unless ($opts{'trace'})
165 5 0 if $sub eq "DBI::Log::__ANON__"
169 1 4 if (ref $query and ref $query eq "DBI::st")
174 5 0 if ($dbh)
181 2 0 if ($sth and $sth->{'ParamValues'})
185 0 0 if (defined $key and $key =~ /^\d+$/)
206 3 4 if $log->{'skip'}
207 0 4 if ($opts{'timing'})