Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 71 108 65.7

line true false branch
22 1 1 if (ref $length eq 'ARRAY')
27 0 2 unless $length > 0
47 0 0 unless ($field and $sort_col and $dir =~ /^(?:asc|desc)$/i)
58 0 0 if $s > 1 or $s == -1
72 2 103 if $k =~ /^\:/
76 11 92 if ($k =~ /^_(\w+)$/)
84 0 103 if $self->dbh_vendor eq 'oracle'
87 1 102 if (ref $v eq 'ARRAY') { }
11 91 elsif ($is_sql) { }
89 0 1 if $is_sql
92 0 1 unless $mode eq 'where'
96 0 1 if (not scalar @$v) { }
112 0 11 if ($mode eq 'insert') { }
121 41 50 if ($mode eq 'insert') { }
128 0 91 if defined $type and exists $BIND_TYPES{$type}
144 39 93 if (ref $where_hash eq 'ARRAY')
150 44 34 if defined $where and $where ne ''
152 43 35 unless $bind
158 19 74 if not defined $where_hash or $where_hash eq ''
159 9 65 unless ref $where_hash
160 15 50 if ref $where_hash ne 'HASH' or scalar keys %$where_hash == 0
176 0 5 unless (ref $param_hash eq 'HASH')
185 0 5 if (not defined $where_hash && ref($where_hash) =~ /HASH|ARRAY/) { }
219 0 6 if (ref $_[0]) { }
231 0 6 unless $set_values
232 1 5 unless $where_values
240 5 0 if $where_statement
254 0 2 if (ref $_[0]) { }
264 0 2 unless $where_values
273 0 2 unless ($where_statement)
304 0 0 if ($params{'where'})
325 0 3 unless $$self{'column_values'}{$_pk_column_} or $$self{'field_values'}{$_pk_}
327 3 0 unless $params{'where'}
343 28 17 unless (defined $fieldset)
347 22 23 unless defined $fieldset and $fieldset
350 20 3 unless ref $fieldset
353 0 3 if ref $fieldset ne 'ARRAY' or not scalar @$fieldset
361 5 0 if (exists $$fields{$field}) { }
383 0 45 if (defined $fieldset and defined $fieldset_method)
387 0 45 if (defined $fieldset_method)
397 1 44 if (defined $params{'group_by'})
401 0 1 unless $group
404 1 0 if $group
411 1 44 if (defined $params{'limit'} and $params{'limit'} =~ /^(\d+)$/)
416 0 1 if (defined $params{'offset'} and $params{'offset'} =~ /^(\d+)$/)
420 0 1 unless ($params{'sort_field'})
428 1 44 if (defined $params{'sort_field'})
431 0 1 unless $order_expr
435 1 0 unless $order
444 38 7 if ($self->can('join_table'))
446 0 38 if (defined $join and not $join =~ /^\s*$/)
454 38 7 if defined $where_statement and not $where_statement =~ /^\s*$/
470 0 16 if (ref $_[0]) { }
472 0 0 if (@_ % 2)