Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 248 290 85.5

line true false branch
200 0 0 if $is_valid_attribute{$attr}
201 0 0 if $attr =~ /^[a-z]/
208 0 90 if $DBI::dbi_debug & 15
219 90 8166 unless $initial_setup
225 90 8166 if $method_name eq 'can'
227 90 8076 if $method_name eq 'DESTROY'
241 88 8078 if $method_name eq 'FETCH' and not exists $ENV{'DBI_TRACE'}
245 0 8166 if 256 & $bitmask
248 90 8076 if 2 & $bitmask
252 360 7806 if 4160 & $bitmask
256 270 7896 if 64 & $bitmask
261 360 7806 if 4096 & $bitmask
266 270 7896 if 65536 & $bitmask
270 2450 5716 if (4 & $bitmask) { }
276 0 5716 8 & $bitmask ? :
288 124 5592 if exists $ENV{'DBI_TRACE'}
294 0 5626 $ke_init ? :
5626 90 unless $method_name eq 'set_err'
304 181 7985 if exists $ENV{'DBI_TRACE'}
312 7896 270 unless exists $DBI::last_method_except{$method_name}
319 181 7985 if exists $ENV{'DBI_TRACE'}
331 180 7986 if 128 & $bitmask
339 810 7356 if 32768 & $bitmask
408 1260 6906 2048 & $bitmask ? :
457 0 8166 if $@
458 0 8166 if $@
470 31 2944 if $DBI::dbi_debug >= 3
473 0 2975 unless $$attr{'ImplementorClass'} = $imp_class
484 650 2325 unless wantarray
491 3 2972 if (($DBI::dbi_debug & 15) >= 4)
498 2879 96 if ($parent) { }
504 23338 16968 if exists $$parent{$_} and not exists $$h_inner{$_}
507 2000 879 if (ref($parent) =~ /::db$/) { }
879 0 elsif (ref($parent) =~ /::dr$/) { }
523 2879 0 if ($HAS_WEAKEN)
528 10 2869 if (@$handles % 120 == 0)
542 96 0 if $HAS_WEAKEN
557 0 18 if defined $level and not looks_like_number($level)
560 6 12 if $level
561 16 2 if (defined $level)
563 6 10 if $DBI::dbi_debug & 15
567 12 6 unless $level
577 18 20 unless $DBI::tfh_needs_close
579 8 30 if (ref $file eq 'GLOB')
585 4 26 if ($file and ref \$file eq 'GLOB')
592 12 14 if (not $file or $file eq 'STDERR') { }
8 6 elsif ($file eq 'STDOUT') { }
593 0 12 unless open $DBI::tfh, '>&STDERR'
596 0 8 unless open $DBI::tfh, '>&STDOUT'
599 0 6 unless open $DBI::tfh, ">>$file"
618 14 0 if ($h_inner)
619 0 14 unless wantarray
626 0 0 unless wantarray
633 6 2 if (not $type) { }
2 0 elsif ($type == 1) { }
649 2 0 if ($version >= 1.56)
670 8 4886 if (not defined $thing or $thing eq '') { }
674 4638 248 $thing =~ /^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/ ? :
677 2 4880 @_ > 1 ? :
682 4382 1213 unless defined $v
684 1213 0 unless (utf8::is_utf8($v))
685 597 616 if ($v & ~$v) eq '0'
689 4 612 if ($maxlen and $maxlen < length($v) + 2)
700 2 26 unless defined $_[0]
704 12 14 unless my $evalret = eval { do { BEGIN {${^WARNING_BITS} = "UUU]UUUUUUUUUUU\025"} if ($sql_type == 4) { my $dummy = $_[0] + 0; return 1; } elsif ($sql_type == 8) { my $dummy = $_[0] + 0; return 1; } elsif ($sql_type == 2) { my $dummy = $_[0] + 0; return 1; } else { return -2; } } }
706 16 10 if ($sql_type == 4) { }
4 6 elsif ($sql_type == 8) { }
4 2 elsif ($sql_type == 2) { }
723 2 24 if defined $evalret and $evalret == -2
724 12 12 unless $evalret
728 12 12 if $cast_ok
729 6 6 if $flags & 1
743 11 211 unless defined $hash_ref
744 2 209 unless ref $hash_ref eq 'HASH'
748 5429 201 if length $string > 0
750 4412 1218 if ($use_neat) { }
754 863 355 defined $value ? :
763 50 159 unless (defined $num_sort)
766 40 4336 !looks_like_number($_) ? :
772 0 36305 unless $a <=> $b
773 54 155 $num_sort ? :
779 71319 863 unless defined $_[0]{'err'}
789 0 0 if $$key eq '*err'
790 0 0 if $$key eq '&errstr'
806 26 134 if defined $level and not DBI::looks_like_number($level)
809 20 140 if defined $file
810 116 44 if (defined $level)
812 78 38 if ($DBI::dbi_debug)
816 14 64 unless exists $ENV{'DBI_TRACE'}
828 636 3698 if defined $v
829 105 3593 if ($key =~ /^NAME_.c$/)
831 4 101 unless $cols
838 60 3533 if ($key =~ /^NAME.*_hash$/)
840 6 54 unless $h->FETCH('NAME')
848 3533 0 unless (defined $v or exists $$h{$key})
849 8 3525 if $key eq 'Taint'
850 1148 2377 if $is_flag_attribute{$key}
851 98 2279 if $key eq 'TraceLevel'
852 42 2237 if $key eq 'ChildHandles' and $HAS_WEAKEN
853 50 2187 if ($key eq 'Type')
854 0 50 if $h->isa('DBI::dr')
855 6 44 if $h->isa('DBI::db')
856 44 0 if $h->isa('DBI::st')
859 2 2185 if (not $is_valid_attribute{$key} and $key =~ /^[A-Z]/)
868 547 12724 if ($key eq 'AutoCommit') { }
24 12700 elsif ($key =~ /^Taint/) { }
94 12606 elsif ($key eq 'TraceLevel') { }
2090 10516 elsif ($key eq 'NUM_OF_FIELDS') { }
2 11603 elsif (not $is_valid_attribute{$key} and $key =~ /^[A-Z]/ and not exists $$h{$key}) { }
869 0 547 unless $value == -900 or $value == -901
874 0 24 if $value
883 1605 485 if ($value)
885 4 1601 if @$fbav != $value
893 7461 3626 $is_flag_attribute{$key} ? :
898 2 2 unless $key =~ /^private_/
908 38 1091 if (my $hss = $$h{'HandleSetErr'})
909 2 36 if &$hss($h, $errnum, $msg, $state, $method)
912 787 340 unless (defined $errnum)
919 27 313 if ($$h{'errstr'}) { }
920 10 11 if $$h{'err'} and $errnum and $$h{'err'} ne $errnum
922 4 8 if $$h{'state'} and ($$h{'state'} ne 'S1000' and $state and $$h{'state'} ne $state)
924 25 2 if $$h{'errstr'} ne $msg
933 8 9 if ($errnum or not defined $$h{'err'} or defined $errnum and length $errnum > length $$h{'err'})
939 323 8 if $errnum
943 331 9 if ($err_changed)
944 323 8 if $DBI::err
945 2 323 $state eq '00000' ? :
325 6 if $state
949 198 142 if (my $p = $$h{'Database'})
960 2813 1561 unless defined $minlevel
961 4301 73 unless $minlevel <= ($DBI::dbi_debug & 15)
977 0 1 unless $$dbh{'Active'}
979 0 1 unless $$dbh{'ChildHandles'}
980 1 2 unless $sth
981 1 1 if $$sth{'Active'}
1019 0 0 unless my(@row) = $h->fetchrow_array
1029 0 4 unless my $row = $h->fetch
1036 2 24 unless my $row = $h->fetch
1063 1388 134 if ($fbav) { }
1070 182 1340 if (my $bc = $$h{'_bound_cols'}) { }
1073 432 42 $bound ? :
1085 6 156 if $col < 1 or $col > $num_of_fields
1087 2 154 unless defined $value_ref
1088 0 154 unless ref $value_ref eq 'SCALAR'
1102 0 3 unless defined $rows