Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 92 147 62.5

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
33 0 110 not $methods_are_installed and 1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
122 313 0 0 $^O =~ /MSWin32/ and $real ne ":memory:"
313 0 0 $^O =~ /MSWin32/ and $real ne ":memory:" and $real ne ""
0 0 0 $^O =~ /MSWin32/ and $real ne ":memory:" and $real ne "" and not $real =~ /^file:/
0 0 0 $^O =~ /MSWin32/ and $real ne ":memory:" and $real ne "" and not $real =~ /^file:/ and not -f $real
192 128 0 264 defined $_[0] and defined $_[1]
220 1 41 2936 defined $statement and not defined $attr
42 66 2870 defined $statement and not defined $attr and not @bind_values
252 1 0 0 $file and not -f $file
259 1 0 6 defined $data_type and $data_type == &DBI::SQL_BIT() || $data_type == &DBI::SQL_BLOB() || $data_type == &DBI::SQL_BINARY() || $data_type == &DBI::SQL_VARBINARY() || $data_type == &DBI::SQL_LONGVARBINARY()
300 13 2 1 defined $cat_val and $cat_val eq "%"
15 0 1 defined $cat_val and $cat_val eq "%" and defined $sch_val
2 0 1 defined $cat_val and $cat_val eq "%" and defined $sch_val and $sch_val eq ""
0 0 1 defined $cat_val and $cat_val eq "%" and defined $sch_val and $sch_val eq "" and defined $tbl_val
0 0 1 defined $cat_val and $cat_val eq "%" and defined $sch_val and $sch_val eq "" and defined $tbl_val and $tbl_val eq ""
13 0 2 defined $cat_val and $cat_val eq ""
13 0 2 defined $cat_val and $cat_val eq "" and defined $sch_val
0 1 1 defined $cat_val and $cat_val eq "" and defined $sch_val and $sch_val eq "%"
1 0 1 defined $cat_val and $cat_val eq "" and defined $sch_val and $sch_val eq "%" and defined $tbl_val
1 0 1 defined $cat_val and $cat_val eq "" and defined $sch_val and $sch_val eq "%" and defined $tbl_val and $tbl_val eq ""
13 0 1 defined $cat_val and $cat_val eq ""
13 0 1 defined $cat_val and $cat_val eq "" and defined $sch_val
0 0 1 defined $cat_val and $cat_val eq "" and defined $sch_val and $sch_val eq ""
0 0 1 defined $cat_val and $cat_val eq "" and defined $sch_val and $sch_val eq "" and defined $tbl_val
0 0 1 defined $cat_val and $cat_val eq "" and defined $sch_val and $sch_val eq "" and defined $tbl_val and $tbl_val eq ""
0 0 1 defined $cat_val and $cat_val eq "" and defined $sch_val and $sch_val eq "" and defined $tbl_val and $tbl_val eq "" and defined $typ_val
0 0 1 defined $cat_val and $cat_val eq "" and defined $sch_val and $sch_val eq "" and defined $tbl_val and $tbl_val eq "" and defined $typ_val and $typ_val eq "%"
420 40 0 9 defined $schema and $schema ne "%"
40 3 6 defined $schema and $schema ne "%" and $schema ne $dbname
433 3 0 52 defined $table and $table ne "%"
3 30 22 defined $table and $table ne "%" and $table ne $tbname
447 29 0 4 @pk > 1 and $row->{'sql'} =~ /\bPRIMARY\s+KEY\s*\(\s* ( (?: ( [a-z_][a-z0-9_]* | (["'`])(?:\3\3|(?!\3).)+?\3(?!\3) | \[[^\]]+\] ) \s*,\s* )+ ( [a-z_][a-z0-9_]* | (["'`])(?:\5\5|(?!\5).)+?\5(?!\5) | \[[^\]]+\] ) ) \s*\)/six
589 18 0 2 defined $fk_schema and $fk_schema ne "%"
18 1 1 defined $fk_schema and $fk_schema ne "%" and $fk_schema ne $dbname
602 6 0 28 defined $fk_table and $fk_table ne "%"
6 8 20 defined $fk_table and $fk_table ne "%" and $fk_table ne $tbname
608 10 0 8 defined $pk_table and $pk_table ne "%"
10 5 3 defined $pk_table and $pk_table ne "%" and $pk_table ne $row->{'table'}
630 11 0 4 defined $pk_schema and $pk_schema ne "%"
11 2 2 defined $pk_schema and $pk_schema ne "%" and $pk_schema ne $table_info{$row->{'table'}}{'schema'}
738 8 0 0 defined $schema and $schema ne "%"
8 0 0 defined $schema and $schema ne "%" and $schema ne $dbname
749 0 0 8 defined $table and $table ne "%"
0 4 4 defined $table and $table ne "%" and uc $table ne uc $tbname
756 8 4 4 $unique_only and not $row->{'unique'}
886 1 5 1 defined $col_val and $col_val eq "%"

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
637 2 11 $rels[$row->{'id'}] ||= {"local_columns", [], "remote_columns", undef, "remote_table", $row->{'table'}}
680 9 0 $remote_col ||= ""

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
224 2847 0 23 index($statement, ";") == -1 or $allow_multiple_statements
259 2 1 0 $data_type == &DBI::SQL_BIT() || $data_type == &DBI::SQL_BLOB() || $data_type == &DBI::SQL_BINARY() || $data_type == &DBI::SQL_VARBINARY() || $data_type == &DBI::SQL_LONGVARBINARY()