Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 166 0.0

line true false branch
384 0 0 if $DBD::LDAP::drh
424 0 0 unless (open DBFILE, "<$ENV{'LDAP_HOME'}/$dbname.ldb")
426 0 0 unless (open DBFILE, "<$dbname.ldb")
428 0 0 unless (open DBFILE, "<$ENV{'HOME'}/$dbname.ldb")
432 0 0 if $attr->{'PrintError'}
449 0 0 unless defined $ldap_root
450 0 0 unless defined $ldap_loginrule
459 0 0 if /^\#/o
461 0 0 if ($ldap_root and not $basedn =~ /\i/o)
463 0 0 unless not $basedn =~ /\S/o or $basedn =~ /\,\s*$/o
466 0 0 if $tablename
471 0 0 if (not $dbuser =~ /\S/o) { }
0 0 elsif ($dbuser =~ /\=/o) { }
0 0 elsif ($ldap_loginrule) { }
478 0 0 if not $dbuser =~ /\,/o and $ldap_loginrule =~ /\/io and $ldap_root
487 0 0 if ($dbuser and not $dbuser =~ /\=/o)
491 0 0 if $attr->{'PrintError'}
505 0 0 unless ($this)
509 0 0 if $attr->{'PrintError'}
515 0 0 if $ldap_hostname =~ s/\;(.*)$//o
518 0 0 unless $ldap_hostname =~ /\:\d+$/o
519 0 0 if ($ldap_hostname =~ /^ldaps/o)
521 0 0 unless (defined $attr->{'ldaps_capath'} and -d $attr->{'ldaps_capath'})
525 0 0 if $attr->{'PrintError'}
535 0 0 unless ($ldap)
539 0 0 if $attr->{'PrintError'}
545 0 0 if ($dbpswd) { }
0 0 elsif ($dbuser) { }
557 0 0 unless ($mesg)
561 0 0 if $attr->{'PrintError'}
565 0 0 if ($mesg->code)
569 0 0 if $attr->{'PrintError'}
601 0 0 if (defined $ENV{'LDAP_HOME'})
626 0 0 unless (@dsources)
628 0 0 if (defined $ENV{'HOME'})
661 0 0 $command eq 'createdb' || $command eq 'dropdb' ? :
708 0 0 if $resptr->{'ldap_attrhref'}{'ldap_inseparator'}
710 0 0 if $resptr->{'ldap_attrhref'}{'ldap_outseparator'}
712 0 0 $resptr->{'ldap_attrhref'}{'ldap_appendbase2ins'} ? :
729 0 0 if $i =~ /^ldap_/o
734 0 0 if defined $attribs->{$i}
739 0 0 unless (defined $tablehash->{$tablename})
762 0 0 if ($dB->FETCH('AutoCommit')) { }
764 0 0 if ($dB->FETCH('Warn'))
779 0 0 if ($res->is_error)
786 0 0 if ($commitqueue->[0] =~ /^dn\=(.+)/o)
791 0 0 if ($res->is_error)
808 0 0 if ($dB->FETCH('AutoCommit')) { }
810 0 0 if ($dB->FETCH('AutoCommit') and $dB->FETCH('Warn'))
827 0 0 if ($attr eq 'AutoCommit')
832 0 0 if $val == 1 and not $dbh->FETCH('AutoCommit')
836 0 0 if ($attr =~ /^ldap/o)
852 0 0 if ($attr eq 'AutoCommit')
853 0 0 if ($attr =~ /^ldap_/o)
871 0 0 if $ldap
879 0 0 unless my($csr) = $dB->prepare($sqlstr, $attr)
889 0 0 unless my $sth = $dbh->prepare('select tables')
891 0 0 unless $sth->execute
898 0 0 unless my $sth = $dbh->prepare("PRIMARY_KEY_INFO $tablename")
900 0 0 unless $sth->execute
941 0 0 unless $#tables >= 0
954 0 0 if ($drh->FETCH('AutoCommit') != 1)
988 0 0 ref $attr ? :
990 0 0 if ($type)
1008 0 0 @bind_values ? :
1018 0 0 if ($params and scalar @$params != $numParam)
1055 0 0 if ($#resv < 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($resv[0]) { }
1068 0 0 if ($dB->FETCH('AutoCommit') == 1 and not $sth->FETCH('Statement') =~ /^\s*(?:select|primary_key_info)/io)
1079 0 0 if ($ldapref->{'lasterror'})
1103 0 0 unless ($ldapref->{'TYPE'})
1134 0 0 if $retval
1135 0 0 if defined $retval
1145 0 0 unless $row
1147 0 0 if ($longreadlen > 0) { }
1149 0 0 if ($sth->FETCH('ChopBlanks'))
1153 0 0 if (do { $$sth{'TYPE'} }->[$i] < 0)
1156 0 0 unless $row->[$i] eq $t or $sth->{'Database'}->FETCH('LongTruncOk')
1165 0 0 if ($sth->FETCH('ChopBlanks'))
1187 0 0 if ($attr eq 'AutoCommit')
1196 0 0 if ($attr =~ /^ldap/o)
1212 0 0 if ($attr eq 'AutoCommit')
1213 0 0 if ($attr =~ /^ldap_/o)