Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 130 168 77.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
1407 0 20 20 $try <= 20 and not defined $word
1474 0 40 40 $try <= 20 and not defined $string
1638 95 20 0 $word eq '' and _have_initial_y @syllable_units
89 20 6 length $word . $new_syllable == $pwlen and _have_final_split @syllable_units
1756 110 169 0 $unit_count > 0 and $digram{$units[$unit_count - 1]}{$units[$unit_count]} & 8
1772 21 9 46 $rules{$units[$unit_count - 2]} & 2 and not $rules{$units[$unit_count - 2]} & 1
30 27 19 $rules{$units[$unit_count - 2]} & 2 and not $rules{$units[$unit_count - 2]} & 1 and $rules{$units[$unit_count - 1]} & 2
36 19 0 $rules{$units[$unit_count - 2]} & 2 and not $rules{$units[$unit_count - 2]} & 1 and $rules{$units[$unit_count - 1]} & 2 and $rules{$units[$unit_count]} & 2
1942 5 503 0 $outer_tries < $max_retries and $rule_broken || _illegal_placement(@units_in_syllable)
1959 292 216 868 $tries <= $max_retries and $want_another_unit
1966 1084 292 21089 $rule_broken and $tries <= $max_retries
2051 17925 682 3113 ALLOWED(32) and $vowel_count == 0
18246 28 333 ALLOWED(2) and $vowel_count == 0
18274 0 333 ALLOWED(2) and $vowel_count == 0 and not $rules{$unit} & 2
2103 1678 19681 182 $current_unit == 2 and ALLOWED(128)
21359 182 0 $current_unit == 2 and ALLOWED(128) and $rules{$units_in_syllable[0]} & 1
17575 3946 20 ALLOWED(1) and $length_left == 0
361 27 2 ALLOWED(16) and not $rules{$units_in_syllable[$current_unit - 2]} & 2
2153 21182 176 183 not $rule_broken and $rules{$unit} & 2
21358 183 0 not $rule_broken and $rules{$unit} & 2 and $length_left > 0 || !($rules{$last_unit} & 4)
2168 136 35 12 $vowel_count > 1 and $rules{$last_unit} & 2
1 10 160 $vowel_count != 0 and not $rules{$last_unit} & 2
2201 21359 160 680 not $rule_broken and $want_another_unit
2205 317 360 3 $vowel_count != 0 and $rules{$unit} & 4
677 3 0 $vowel_count != 0 and $rules{$unit} & 4 and $length_left == 0
363 0 0 $vowel_count != 0 and $rules{$unit} & 4 and $length_left == 0 and not $rules{$last_unit} & 2
315 0 341 $vowel_count != 0 and $length_left > 0
2244 325 0 16 ALLOWED(128) and $current_unit > 1
2 13 1 $vowel_count == 1 && $rules{$last_unit} & 2
325 1 15 ALLOWED(128) and $current_unit > 1 and not $vowel_count == 1 && $rules{$last_unit} & 2
2291 624 460 0 $rules{$unit} & 2 and $current_unit > 0 || !($rules{$unit} & 1)
2393 241 237 30 not $rules{$units[$unit_count - 1]} & 2 and $rules{$units[$unit_count]} & 2
25 5 0 $rules{$units[$unit_count]} & 4 && $unit_count == $#units
478 0 30 not $rules{$units[$unit_count - 1]} & 2 and $rules{$units[$unit_count]} & 2 and not $rules{$units[$unit_count]} & 4 && $unit_count == $#units
237 28 2 not $rules{$units[$unit_count - 1]} & 2 and $rules{$units[$unit_count]} & 2 and not $rules{$units[$unit_count]} & 4 && $unit_count == $#units and $vowel_count
198 308 0 $unit_count >= 2 and !($rules{$units[$unit_count - 2]} & 2 || $rules{$units[$unit_count - 1]} & 2 || $rules{$units[$unit_count]} & 2) || $rules{$units[$unit_count - 2]} & 2 && !($rules{$units[0]} & 1 && $unit_count == 2) && $rules{$units[$unit_count - 1]} & 2 && $rules{$units[$unit_count]} & 2
2448 257 1 6 $rules{$units[0]} & 1 && $unit_count == 0 && @units > 1
459 6 258 $rules{$units[$unit_count]} & 2 and not $rules{$units[0]} & 1 && $unit_count == 0 && @units > 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
1638 0 0 115 _improper_word @word_units, @syllable_units or $word eq '' and _have_initial_y @syllable_units
0 0 115 _improper_word @word_units, @syllable_units or $word eq '' and _have_initial_y @syllable_units or length $word . $new_syllable == $pwlen and _have_final_split @syllable_units
1772 21 0 0 $rules{$units[$unit_count - 2]} & 2 || $rules{$units[$unit_count - 1]} & 2 || $rules{$units[$unit_count]} & 2
0 0 76 $rules{$units[$unit_count - 2]} & 2 and not $rules{$units[$unit_count - 2]} & 1 and $rules{$units[$unit_count - 1]} & 2 and $rules{$units[$unit_count]} & 2 or not $rules{$units[$unit_count - 2]} & 2 || $rules{$units[$unit_count - 1]} & 2 || $rules{$units[$unit_count]} & 2
1826 23 4 0 not $rules{$units[$unit_count]} & 1 or $unit_count > 0
1942 288 105 110 $rule_broken || _illegal_placement(@units_in_syllable)
2051 479 0 21720 ALLOWED(8) or ALLOWED(32) and $vowel_count == 0
3113 0 18607 ALLOWED(8) or ALLOWED(32) and $vowel_count == 0 or ALLOWED(2) and $vowel_count == 0 and not $rules{$unit} & 2
2103 0 0 21541 $current_unit == 2 and ALLOWED(128) and $rules{$units_in_syllable[0]} & 1 or ALLOWED(1) and $length_left == 0
3712 17419 390 ALLOWED(32) or $digram{$units_in_syllable[$current_unit - 2]}{$last_unit} & 1
20 0 21521 $current_unit == 2 and ALLOWED(128) and $rules{$units_in_syllable[0]} & 1 or ALLOWED(1) and $length_left == 0 or (ALLOWED(32) or $digram{$units_in_syllable[$current_unit - 2]}{$last_unit} & 1)
21131 0 390 $current_unit == 2 and ALLOWED(128) and $rules{$units_in_syllable[0]} & 1 or ALLOWED(1) and $length_left == 0 or (ALLOWED(32) or $digram{$units_in_syllable[$current_unit - 2]}{$last_unit} & 1) or ALLOWED(16) and not $rules{$units_in_syllable[$current_unit - 2]} & 2
2153 173 10 0 $length_left > 0 || !($rules{$last_unit} & 4)
2205 13 11 656 ALLOWED(2) or $length_left == 0
0 0 680 $vowel_count != 0 and $rules{$unit} & 4 and $length_left == 0 and not $rules{$last_unit} & 2 or (ALLOWED(2) or $length_left == 0)
2291 255 191 14 $current_unit > 0 || !($rules{$unit} & 1)
2393 103 0 205 !($rules{$units[$unit_count - 2]} & 2 || $rules{$units[$unit_count - 1]} & 2 || $rules{$units[$unit_count]} & 2) || $rules{$units[$unit_count - 2]} & 2 && !($rules{$units[0]} & 1 && $unit_count == 2) && $rules{$units[$unit_count - 1]} & 2 && $rules{$units[$unit_count]} & 2
2 0 506 not $rules{$units[$unit_count - 1]} & 2 and $rules{$units[$unit_count]} & 2 and not $rules{$units[$unit_count]} & 4 && $unit_count == $#units and $vowel_count or $unit_count >= 2 and !($rules{$units[$unit_count - 2]} & 2 || $rules{$units[$unit_count - 1]} & 2 || $rules{$units[$unit_count]} & 2) || $rules{$units[$unit_count - 2]} & 2 && !($rules{$units[0]} & 1 && $unit_count == 2) && $rules{$units[$unit_count - 1]} & 2 && $rules{$units[$unit_count]} & 2