Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 14 20 70.0

line true false branch
101 0 58 if ($params{'seed'})
162 0 0 unless (my $getter_cr = 'Crypt::Perl::ECDSA::KeyBase'->can("JWA_CURVE_ALG_$name"))
198 0 6 unless (my $getter_cr = $self->can("JWA_DIGEST_$name"))
219 251 0 if ($r->is_positive and $s->is_positive)
237 251 0 if ($r->blt($n) and $s->blt($n))
247 243 8 if $v->beq($r)
293 13 4 if ($params{'seed'} and $curve_hr->{'seed'})
300 4 453 if ($params{'compressed'})
324 7 495 $params{'compressed'} ? :
344 258 316 if (my $params = $params_struct->{'ecParameters'}) { }