Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 149 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
64 0 0 0 !$self->secretkey || $self->secretkey =~ /$$self{'VKEYID'}/ and $self->passphrase =~ /$$self{'VPASSPHRASE'}/
149 0 0 0 $self->comment and not $_[1]
254 0 0 0 $_[2] && $_[2] eq '-sign'
258 0 0 0 !$self->secretkey || $self->secretkey =~ /$$self{'VKEYID'}/ and $self->passphrase =~ /$$self{'VPASSPHRASE'}/
284 0 0 0 $sign and $self->secretkey
426 0 0 0 $keysize =~ /$$self{'VKEYSZ'}/ and $keysize > 767
0 0 0 $keysize =~ /$$self{'VKEYSZ'}/ and $keysize > 767 and $keysize < 4097
0 0 0 $keysize =~ /$$self{'VKEYSZ'}/ and $keysize > 767 and $keysize < 4097 and $pass =~ /$$self{'VPASSPHRASE'}/
0 0 0 $keysize =~ /$$self{'VKEYSZ'}/ and $keysize > 767 and $keysize < 4097 and $pass =~ /$$self{'VPASSPHRASE'}/ and $keytype =~ /$$self{'VKEYTYPE'}/
0 0 0 $keysize =~ /$$self{'VKEYSZ'}/ and $keysize > 767 and $keysize < 4097 and $pass =~ /$$self{'VPASSPHRASE'}/ and $keytype =~ /$$self{'VKEYTYPE'}/ and $expire =~ /$$self{'VEXPIRE'}/
0 0 0 $keysize =~ /$$self{'VKEYSZ'}/ and $keysize > 767 and $keysize < 4097 and $pass =~ /$$self{'VPASSPHRASE'}/ and $keytype =~ /$$self{'VKEYTYPE'}/ and $expire =~ /$$self{'VEXPIRE'}/ and $email =~ /$$self{'VEMAIL'}/
0 0 0 $keysize =~ /$$self{'VKEYSZ'}/ and $keysize > 767 and $keysize < 4097 and $pass =~ /$$self{'VPASSPHRASE'}/ and $keytype =~ /$$self{'VKEYTYPE'}/ and $expire =~ /$$self{'VEXPIRE'}/ and $email =~ /$$self{'VEMAIL'}/ and $name =~ /$$self{'VNAME'}/
0 0 0 $keysize =~ /$$self{'VKEYSZ'}/ and $keysize > 767 and $keysize < 4097 and $pass =~ /$$self{'VPASSPHRASE'}/ and $keytype =~ /$$self{'VKEYTYPE'}/ and $expire =~ /$$self{'VEXPIRE'}/ and $email =~ /$$self{'VEMAIL'}/ and $name =~ /$$self{'VNAME'}/ and length $name > 4
435 0 0 0 defined $comment and $comment =~ /$$self{'VCOMMENT'}/
598 0 0 0 $oldpass =~ /$$self{'VPASSPHRASE'}/ and $newpass =~ /$$self{'VPASSPHRASE'}/
0 0 0 $oldpass =~ /$$self{'VPASSPHRASE'}/ and $newpass =~ /$$self{'VPASSPHRASE'}/ and $$key{'Type'} eq 'sec'
671 0 0 0 !$self->secretkey || $self->secretkey =~ /$$self{'VKEYID'}/ and $self->passphrase =~ /$$self{'VPASSPHRASE'}/
674 0 0 0 @uids and not grep({$_ =~ /\D/;} @uids)

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
216 0 0 join('', <$tmpfh2>) || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
64 0 0 0 !$self->secretkey || $self->secretkey =~ /$$self{'VKEYID'}/
95 0 0 0 $err =~ /NEED_PASSPHRASE (.{16}) (.{16}).*\n/g or $err =~ /GOOD_PASSPHRASE/g
137 0 0 0 $self->secretkey or $_[1]
177 0 0 0 $out =~ /NEED_PASSPHRASE (.{16}) (.{16}).*\n/g or $out =~ /(GOOD_PASSPHRASE)/g
0 0 0 $out =~ /NEED_PASSPHRASE (.{16}) (.{16}).*\n/g or $out =~ /(GOOD_PASSPHRASE)/g or $out =~ /(D)(E)(C)RYPTION_FAILED/g
0 0 0 $out =~ /NEED_PASSPHRASE (.{16}) (.{16}).*\n/g or $out =~ /(GOOD_PASSPHRASE)/g or $out =~ /(D)(E)(C)RYPTION_FAILED/g or $out =~ /(N)(O)(D)ATA/g
0 0 0 $out =~ /NEED_PASSPHRASE (.{16}) (.{16}).*\n/g or $out =~ /(GOOD_PASSPHRASE)/g or $out =~ /(D)(E)(C)RYPTION_FAILED/g or $out =~ /(N)(O)(D)ATA/g or $out =~ /(SIG_ID)/g
0 0 0 $out =~ /NEED_PASSPHRASE (.{16}) (.{16}).*\n/g or $out =~ /(GOOD_PASSPHRASE)/g or $out =~ /(D)(E)(C)RYPTION_FAILED/g or $out =~ /(N)(O)(D)ATA/g or $out =~ /(SIG_ID)/g or $out =~ /detached_signature.filename/g
210 0 0 0 $success or $_[1]
258 0 0 0 !$self->secretkey || $self->secretkey =~ /$$self{'VKEYID'}/
294 0 0 0 $out =~ /(o)penfile.overwrite.okay/g or $out =~ /(u)(n)trusted_key.override/g
0 0 0 $out =~ /(o)penfile.overwrite.okay/g or $out =~ /(u)(n)trusted_key.override/g or $out =~ /(k)(e)(y) not found/g
0 0 0 $out =~ /(o)penfile.overwrite.okay/g or $out =~ /(u)(n)trusted_key.override/g or $out =~ /(k)(e)(y) not found/g or $out =~ /(p)(a)(s)(s)phrase.enter/g
304 0 0 0 $out =~ /(o)penfile.overwrite.okay/g or $out =~ /(u)(n)trusted_key.override/g
0 0 0 $out =~ /(o)penfile.overwrite.okay/g or $out =~ /(u)(n)trusted_key.override/g or $out =~ /(I)(N)(V)_RECP/g
0 0 0 $out =~ /(o)penfile.overwrite.okay/g or $out =~ /(u)(n)trusted_key.override/g or $out =~ /(I)(N)(V)_RECP/g or $out =~ /(p)(a)(s)(s)phrase.enter/g
322 0 0 0 $out =~ /(o)penfile.overwrite.okay/g or $out =~ /(o)(p)enfile.askoutname/g
610 0 0 0 $out =~ /GOOD_PASSPHRASE/g or $out =~ /(passphrase\.enter)/g
619 0 0 0 $out =~ /BAD_PASSPHRASE/g or $out =~ /(passphrase\.enter)/g
628 0 0 0 $out =~ /change_passwd\.empty\.okay/g or $out =~ /(keyedit\.prompt)/g
671 0 0 0 !$self->secretkey || $self->secretkey =~ /$$self{'VKEYID'}/
703 0 0 0 $out =~ /sign_uid\.okay/g or $out =~ /(s)ign_uid\.class/g
0 0 0 $out =~ /sign_uid\.okay/g or $out =~ /(s)ign_uid\.class/g or $out =~ /(s)(i)gn_uid\.expire/g
709 0 0 0 $out =~ /sign_uid\.okay/g or $out =~ /(s)ign_uid\.class/g
0 0 0 $out =~ /sign_uid\.okay/g or $out =~ /(s)ign_uid\.class/g or $out =~ /passphrase\.enter/g
720 0 0 0 $out =~ /passphrase\.enter/g or $out =~ /(keyedit.prompt)/g
725 0 0 0 $out =~ /keyedit\.prompt/g or $out =~ /(BAD_PASSPHRASE)/g
732 0 0 0 $out =~ /save\.okay/g or $out =~ /(k)eyedit\.prompt/g
752 0 0 0 $out =~ /delete it first\./g or $out =~ /(delete_key)(.secret)?.okay/g
774 0 0 0 $out =~ /been disabled/g or $out =~ /(keyedit\.prompt)/g
794 0 0 0 $out =~ /been disabled/g or $out =~ /(keyedit\.prompt)/g