Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 112 0.0

line true false branch
14 0 0 if $main::debug
100 0 0 if defined $_[0]
101 0 0 if defined $_[0]
107 0 0 unless s/\Ay/app(C_('y'));/ie or s/\Aex/app(V('e'), _C('x'));/ie or s/\Ai([nmg])/app(V('i'), _C($1));/ie or s/\A([eu])([nm])/app(V($1), _C($2));/ie or s/\Airr/app(V('i'), _C('r'), C_('r'));/ie or s/\Aill/app(V('i'), _C('l'), C_('l'));/ie or s/\Acon/app(C_('c'), V('o'), _C('n'));/ie or s/\Aant([ie])/app(V('a'), _C('n'), C_('t'), V($1), _C(''));/ie or s/\A(w[hr])/app(C_("$1"));/ie
119 0 0 unless s/([bd])le\Z/prep(C_($1), V(''), _C('le'));/ie or s/sm\Z/prep(C_('s'), V(''), _C('m'));/ie or s/$repcons\1e\Z/do { prep(_C("$1$1e")) };/eix or s/(?=..e)${dblcons}e\Z/do { prep(_C("$1$2e")) };/eix or s/($vowels)${ppcons2}es\Z/do { prep(_C("$2es")); $1 };/eix or s/($vowels)(ples?)\Z/do { prep(C_($2)); $1 };/eix or s/([td])ed\Z/prep(C_($1), V('e'), _C('d'));/eix or s/([^aeiou])\1ed\Z/prep(_C("$1$1ed"));/eix or s/${pprecons}ed\Z/prep(_C("$1ed"));/eix or s/${ppostcons}ed\Z/prep(_C("$1ed"));/eix or s/([aeou])ic(s?)\Z/prep(V($1), V('i'), _C("c$2"));/ie or s/([sct])ion(s?)\Z/prep(_C_($1), V('io'), _C("n$2"));/ie or s/([cts])ia([nl]s?)\Z/prep(_C_($1), V('ia'), _C($2));/ie or s/([ts])ia(s?)\Z/prep(_C_($1), V("ia$2"));/ie or s/t(i?ou)s\Z/prep(_C_('t'), V($1), _C('s'));/ie or s/cious\Z/prep(_C_('c'), V('iou'), _C('s'));/ie
143 0 0 if s/\A(s'|'s)\Z/app(_S($1));/eix
144 0 0 if s/\A$dblcons/app(_C($1), C_($2));/eix
145 0 0 if s/\A$dblcons/app(_C($1), C_($2));/eix
146 0 0 if s/\A$repcons/app(_C($1));/eix
147 0 0 if s/\A$paircons/app(_C($1));/eix
148 0 0 if s/\A${ppcons1}e(?![aeiouy])/app(_C_($1), E('e'));/eix
150 0 0 if s/\A${precons}e(?![aeiouy])/app(C_($1), E('e'));/eix
152 0 0 if s/\A${postcons}e(?![aeiouy])/app(_C($1), E('e'));/eix
154 0 0 if s/\A${ppcons2}e(?![aeiouy])/app(_C_($1), E('e'));/eix
156 0 0 if s/\A$postcons?([sct])ion/app(C_(($1 || '') . $2), V('io'), _C('n'));/eix
158 0 0 if s/\A$postcons?tial/app(C_(($1 || '') . 't'), V('ia'), _C('l'));/eix
160 0 0 if s/\A$postcons?([ct])ia([nl])/app(C_(($1 || '') . $2), V('ia'), _C($3));/eix
162 0 0 if s/\A$postcons?t(i?ou)s/app(C_(($1 || '') . 't'), V($1), _C('s'));/eix
164 0 0 if s/\Aience/app(V('i'), V('e'), _C('nc'), E('e'));/eix
166 0 0 if s/\Acious/app(C_(($1 || '') . 'c'), V('iou'), _C('s'));/eix
168 0 0 if s/\A$diphthong/app(V($1), V($2));/ie
169 0 0 if s/\A$ppcons1/app(_C_($1));/eix
170 0 0 if s/\A$precons/app(C_($1));/eix
171 0 0 if s/\A$postcons/app(_C($1));/eix
172 0 0 if s/\A$ppcons2/app(_C_($1));/eix
173 0 0 if s/\A($vowels)/app(V($1));/ie
184 0 0 if @list > 1
185 0 0 if $i >= 0 and $list[$i]{'type'} =~ /C/
187 0 0 if $i >= 0
188 0 0 if $i >= 0
189 0 0 if $i >= 0
190 0 0 if $i >= 0
191 0 0 if $i >= 0 and $list[$i]{'type'} eq 'V'
194 0 0 if $i >= 0
201 0 0 if (is_S(0))
205 0 0 if $main::debug
206 0 0 if isE(-2) and isR(-1) and isVnE(0) and syl(1)
207 0 0 if isC(-1) and is_C(0) and syl(1)
208 0 0 if isC_(-3) and isV(-2) and isC(-1) and isE(0) and syl(4)
209 0 0 if isC_(-2) and isV(-1) and is_C(0) and syl(3)
210 0 0 if isV(-2) and isC(-1) and isE(0) and syl(3)
211 0 0 if isC_(-1) and isV(0) and syl(2)
212 0 0 if isV(-1) and is_C(0) and syl(2)
213 0 0 if isC(0) and syl(1)
214 0 0 if isV(0) and syl(1)
238 0 0 unless $_[0] =~ /[A-Za-z]/
244 0 0 unless $user_def_syl{$word}
245 0 0 unless (@syls)
250 0 0 if ($p & 1) { }
256 0 0 if wantarray
264 0 0 unless $user_def_hyph{$word}
265 0 0 unless @syls
271 0 0 if length($first) + length($syls[0]) + $hlen > $width
0 0 if ($#syls) { }
272 0 0 if length($first) + length($syls[0]) > $width
275 0 0 if $first and @syls and not $first =~ /$hyphen\Z/