Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 46 142 32.3

line true false branch
217 0 1 unless ($ok)
231 2 0 $tot->{'bad'} == 0 && ($tot->{'max'} || $tot->{'skipped'}) ? :
318 0 1 if defined $Files_In_Dir
332 0 58 if ($Test::Harness::Debug)
335 0 58 $Test::Harness::Timer ? :
337 0 58 unless (my(%results) = $Test::Harness::Strap->analyze_file($tfile))
339 0 58 if ($Test::Harness::Timer) { }
341 0 0 if ($Test::Harness::has_time_hires) { }
345 0 0 $elapsed ? :
356 48543 0 if $results{'details'}[$_ - 1]{'actual_ok'}
381 58 0 if ($results{'passing'}) { }
383 7 51 if ($test{'max'} and $test{'skipped'} + $test{'bonus'}) { }
50 1 elsif ($test{'max'}) { }
1 0 elsif (defined $test{'skip_all'} and length $test{'skip_all'}) { }
386 7 0 if $test{'skipped'}
387 0 7 if ($test{'bonus'})
418 0 0 if ($test{'next'} <= $test{'max'}) { }
425 0 0 unless ref $$details[$overrun - 1]
430 0 0 if ($wstatus) { }
0 0 elsif ($results{'seen'}) { }
436 0 0 if (@{$test{'failed'};} and $test{'max'}) { }
474 0 58 if (defined $Files_In_Dir)
476 0 0 if (@new_dir_files != @dir_files)
519 0 58 if ($^O eq 'VMS')
525 0 0 if (-t STDOUT and not $ENV{'HARNESS_NOTTY'} and not $Test::Harness::Verbose)
545 58 0 /\.(\w+)$/ ? :
548 6 52 if $len > $maxlen
549 1 57 if $suflen > $maxsuflen
564 1 0 if (_all_ok($tot)) { }
0 0 elsif (not $tot->{'tests'}) { }
0 0 elsif (not $tot->{'max'}) { }
566 0 1 if ($tot->{'bonus'})
570 0 0 unless $todo_passed
580 0 0 $tot->{'tests'} == 1 ? :
597 0 0 if ($tot->{'bad'})
599 0 0 if $bonusmsg
628 0 64829 if $Test::Harness::Verbose
631 48601 16228 if $meth
638 0 58 if $self->{'_seen_header'}
644 0 58 if $totals->{'seen'} and $totals->{'max'} < $totals->{'seen'}
655 48543 0 if ($detail->{'ok'}) { }
658 560 47983 if ($detail->{'type'} eq 'skip')
660 7 553 unless defined $totals->{'skip_reason'}
662 0 560 if $totals->{'skip_reason'} ne $detail->{'reason'}
669 0 48543 if ($curr > $next) { }
0 48543 elsif ($curr < $next) { }
683 0 0 $self->{'bailout_reason'} ? :
688 0 115 if $Test::Harness::ML
695 115 48428 if ($Test::Harness::Last_ML_Print != $now)
707 0 0 $tot->{'bonus'} > 1 ? :
0 1 if $tot->{'bonus'}
709 1 0 if ($tot->{'skipped'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($tot->{'sub_skipped'}) { }
711 0 1 $tot->{'skipped'} != 1 ? :
712 1 0 if ($tot->{'sub_skipped'})
714 1 0 $tot->{'sub_skipped'} != 1 ? :
720 0 0 $tot->{'sub_skipped'} != 1 ? :
736 0 0 if $^O eq 'VMS'
740 0 0 if ($test->{'max'})
741 0 0 if ($test->{'next'} == $test->{'max'} + 1 and not @{$test->{'failed'};}) { }
766 0 0 $short eq 'Pass' ? :
774 0 0 if $namelen > $max_namelen
778 0 0 if ($list_len < length $list_str)
781 0 0 if ($max_namelen < length $failed_str)
816 0 0 if (@detail) { }
818 0 0 if ($_ > $last + 1 or $_ == $last)
819 0 0 $min == $last ? :
833 0 0 if $type =~ /todo/i
836 0 0 if ($max) { }
843 0 0 if ($skipped)
846 0 0 if ($max) { }