Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 4 288 1.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
170 2 0 2 ++$even_lc % 2 && defined $_
232 0 0 0 ref $codeRef eq 'ARRAY' and ref $codeRef->[0] eq 'CODE'
465 0 0 0 $self->{'TYPE'} ne 'SERIAL' and not $UseSocketIP
0 0 0 $self->{'TYPE'} ne 'SERIAL' and not $UseSocketIP and defined $args{'blocking'}
0 0 0 $self->{'TYPE'} ne 'SERIAL' and not $UseSocketIP and defined $args{'blocking'} and not $args{'blocking'}
479 0 0 0 defined $self->{'POLL'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'coderef'} == 'Control::CLI'->can('connect_poll')
486 0 0 0 defined $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} == 0
504 0 0 0 $blocking and not length $self->{'BUFFER'}
527 0 0 0 not length $$bufref and $blocking
536 0 0 0 $dataWithError and length $$bufref
565 0 0 0 $args[$i] eq 'match_list' and ref $args[$i + 1] eq 'ARRAY'
614 0 0 0 defined $self->{'POLL'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'coderef'} == 'Control::CLI'->can('waitfor_poll')
622 0 0 0 defined $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} == 0
718 0 0 0 defined $self->{'POLL'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'coderef'} == 'Control::CLI'->can('login_poll')
726 0 0 0 defined $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} == 0
786 0 0 0 defined $self->{'POLL'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'coderef'} == 'Control::CLI'->can('cmd_poll')
794 0 0 0 defined $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} == 0
847 0 0 0 defined $self->{'POLL'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'coderef'} == 'Control::CLI'->can('change_baudrate_poll')
854 0 0 0 defined $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} == 0
870 0 0 0 defined $fh and $self->{'PARENT'}->errmsg =~ /problem creating $fh: (.*)/
900 0 0 0 defined $fh and $self->{'PARENT'}->errmsg =~ /problem creating $fh: (.*)/
930 0 0 0 defined $fh and $self->{'PARENT'}->errmsg =~ /problem creating $fh: (.*)/
961 0 0 0 defined $self->{'PARENT'} and not defined $self->{'SSHCHANNEL'}
1034 0 0 0 defined $self->{'PARENT'} and not $self->{'SERIALEOF'}
1062 0 0 0 $self->{'TYPE'} eq 'TELNET' and defined $self->parent->option_log
1185 0 0 0 $objLastPollTime->[$i] - $objStartTime > $pollTimer and $args{'poll_code'}
1221 0 0 0 $objLastPollTime->{$key} - $objStartTime > $pollTimer and $args{'poll_code'}
1235 0 0 0 $objComplete eq 'next' and @lastCompleted
0 0 0 $objError eq 'return' and @lastFailed
1237 0 0 0 $args{'poll_code'} and not $pollActHost
1337 0 0 0 ref $newSetting and not validCodeRef($newSetting)
1400 0 0 0 defined $width and not $width
0 0 0 defined $height and not $height
0 0 0 defined $width and defined $height
1404 0 0 0 $width =~ /^\d+$/ and $height =~ /^\d+$/
1427 0 0 1 defined $newSetting and my $newMode = parse_errmode($pkgsub, $newSetting)
1474 0 0 0 defined $newSetting and $newSetting != $currentSetting
1609 0 0 0 defined $self->{'POLL'} and defined $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'}
0 0 0 defined $self->{'POLL'} and defined $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'complete'} == 0
1722 0 0 0 defined $ok and $ok == 0
1731 0 0 0 $self->{'POLL'}{'output_requested'} and $self->{'POLL'}{'output_type'}
1815 0 0 0 not $self->{'POLL'}{'socket'}->connect and $! == 115 || $! == 11
1943 0 0 0 $firstReadRequired and not defined $self->{'POLL'}{'endtime'}
1957 0 0 0 $dataWithError and length $self->{'POLL'}{'read_buffer'}
2015 0 0 0 @_ and not %args
2073 0 0 0 not $self->{'POLL'}{'blocking'} and $connect->{'atomic_connect'}
2094 0 0 0 exists $telobj->{'select_supported'} and not $telobj->{'select_supported'}
2113 0 0 0 not $self->{'POLL'}{'blocking'} and $connect->{'atomic_connect'}
2161 0 0 0 not $self->{'POLL'}{'blocking'} and &Control::CLI::time() > $self->{'POLL'}{'endtime'}
2178 0 0 0 defined $connect->{'publickey'} and defined $connect->{'privatekey'}
2194 0 0 0 not $self->{'POLL'}{'blocking'} and &Control::CLI::time() > $self->{'POLL'}{'endtime'}
2203 0 0 0 $connect->{'authPassword'} && (defined $connect->{'password'} || $connect->{'prompt_credentials'})
2220 0 0 0 $connect->{'authPassword'} and not $self->{'PARENT'}->auth_ok
2227 0 0 0 not $self->{'POLL'}{'blocking'} and &Control::CLI::time() > $self->{'POLL'}{'endtime'}
2252 0 0 0 not $self->{'POLL'}{'blocking'} and &Control::CLI::time() > $self->{'POLL'}{'endtime'}
2271 0 0 0 $^O eq 'MSWin32' and $connect->{'forcebaud'}
2319 0 0 0 @_ and not %args
2426 0 0 0 @_ and not %args
2491 0 0 0 @_ and not %args
2562 0 0 0 @_ and not %args
2610 0 0 0 $^O eq 'MSWin32' and $changeBaud->{'forcebaud'}
2699 0 0 0 defined $buffer and length $buffer
2702 0 0 0 $self->{'PARENT'}->poll($timeout * 1000, \@poll) and $poll[0]{'revents'}{'in'}
2803 0 0 0 length $buffer and $self->{'report_query_status'}
2848 0 0 0 ref $fh and ref $fh ne 'GLOB'
2932 0 0 0 $timeCredit and defined $self->{'POLL'}{'endtime'}
2957 0 0 0 defined &Net::Telnet::_log_option and $telobj->{'opt_log'}
2971 0 0 0 defined &Net::Telnet::_flush_opts and length $telobj->{'unsent_opts'}
2980 0 0 0 $option == &TELOPT_NAWS and @{$self->{'window_size'};}
2985 0 0 0 defined &Net::Telnet::_log_option and $telobj->{'opt_log'}
3001 0 0 0 defined &Net::Telnet::_log_option and $telobj->{'opt_log'}
3004 0 0 0 $option == &TELOPT_TTYPE and defined $self->{'terminal_type'}
3007 0 0 0 defined &Net::Telnet::_log_option and $telobj->{'opt_log'}
3011 0 0 0 $option == &TELOPT_NAWS and @{$self->{'window_size'};}
3014 0 0 0 defined &Net::Telnet::_log_option and $telobj->{'opt_log'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1079 0 0 shift() || ''
2645 0 0 shift() || \''
2646 0 0 shift() || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
261 0 1 0 ref $invocant || $invocant
416 0 0 0 $args{'host'} =~ /^(.+?)\s+(\d+)$/ or $args{'host'} =~ /^([^:\s]+?):(\d+)$/
594 0 0 0 !$pollSyntax || wantarray
766 0 0 0 !$args{'poll_syntax'} || wantarray
875 0 0 0 ref $fh or length $fh
879 0 0 0 ref $fh or defined fileno $fh
905 0 0 0 ref $fh or length $fh
909 0 0 0 ref $fh or defined fileno $fh
935 0 0 0 ref $fh or length $fh
939 0 0 0 ref $fh or defined fileno $fh
983 0 0 0 shift() || $ComBreakDuration
1141 0 0 0 defined $self or defined $args{'object_list'}
1155 0 0 0 $ok or not defined $ok
1235 0 0 0 $running == 0 or $objComplete eq 'next' and @lastCompleted
0 0 0 $running == 0 or $objComplete eq 'next' and @lastCompleted or $objError eq 'return' and @lastFailed
1400 0 0 0 defined $width and not $width or defined $height and not $height
1815 0 0 0 $! == 115 || $! == 11
1943 0 0 0 $firstReadRequired || defined $self->{'POLL'}{'waittime'}
2898 0 0 0 $msgFormat =~ /^\s*default\s*$/i or not $msgFormat =~ /^\s*terse\s*$/i