Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 43 79 54.4

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
403 107 8 @levels == 1 and !1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
53 36 4 2 $$self{'options'}{'Variables'} and ref $$self{'options'}{'Variables'} ne 'HASH'
90 4 0 0 defined $string and ref $string ne 'SCALAR'
232 3694 26 186 $$options{'Subs'} and length $_
279 0 1 158 $popped and $#stack >= 0
280 74 83 1 pop @level ne $block and $block
341 2 0 7 defined $name and length $name
430 0 4 0 $] and $] < 5.006001
433 0 4 0 $^V and $^V lt "\cE\cH"
450 0 0 0 $ordn >= 48 and $ordn <= 57
0 0 0 $ordn >= 65 and $ordn <= 90
0 0 0 $ordn >= 97 and $ordn <= 122
511 0 4 2 defined $v and ref $v
512 2 0 0 $useref and exists $$referencelut{$v}
2 0 0 $useref and exists $$referencelut{$v} and length $$referencelut{$v}
530 0 0 0 defined $localv and length $localv
597 0 0 4 defined $str && $str =~ /^[\w\-\.]+$/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
42 10 242 $options{$o} || 0
97 4 0 $$self{'current_options'} || {}
196 7 35 $$options{'Variables'} ||= {}
474 0 0 $depth ||= 0
553 2 4 $$opt{'referencelut'} ||= {}
554 2 4 $$opt{'pathstack'} ||= []
555 2 4 $depth ||= 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
254 120 43 2639 /$re_openhash/ or /$re_openlist/
118 43 2478 /$re_closhash/ or /$re_closlist/
102 2 1045 /$Config::Wrest::RE_DATASING/ or /$Config::Wrest::RE_DATASINGQUOTE/
450 0 0 0 $ordn >= 48 and $ordn <= 57 or $ordn >= 65 and $ordn <= 90
0 0 0 $ordn >= 48 and $ordn <= 57 or $ordn >= 65 and $ordn <= 90 or $ordn >= 97 and $ordn <= 122