Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 127 216 58.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
85 2 3 57 $pars->good && $pars->parse_args($args) && $pars->use_config_files && $pars->apply_args && $pars->INT_value_check
168 0 1 656 (!defined($short) || $short eq '' || $short =~ /^$noop$/o) && defined $long && $long =~ /^$parname/o
187 657 0 0 defined $def->{'type'} && !defined($def->{'value'})
193 0 656 0 valid_name($def->{'long'}, $def->{'short'}) && defined $_[0] && (!defined($def->{'type'}) || $def->{'type'} ne $_[0]) && (!defined($def->{'regex'}) || ref $def->{'regex'} eq 'Regexp') && (!defined($def->{'call'}) || ref $def->{'call'} eq 'CODE')
212 0 79 0 defined $config and defined $config->{'version'}
255 61 25 0 $t ne "ARRAY" and $t ne "HASH"
327 55 15 0 $self->{'config'}{'lazy'} and $self->{'config'}{'posixhelp'}
483 398 0 0 $flags & $switch and $flags & $arg
595 0 0 0 $self->{'config'}{'ignore_unknown'} and $self->{'config'}{'ignore_unknown'} > 1
621 47 1 158 defined $_[0] and $arrhash
1 31 16 not defined $_[0] and $flags & $arg
624 139 3 16 $_[0] eq "/" and $_[1] =~ m[(./)(=?)(.*)]
627 12 0 4 $3 eq '' && $2 eq ''
628 8 4 4 $2 eq "" and defined $_[1]
631 150 0 8 $_[0] =~ m[^/./$] and $flags & $arg
644 0 0 16 $lastoption and @{$_[2];}
718 66 0 0 $self->{'config'}{'gimme'} and not @{$args;}
749 134 0 74 $begin =~ /$shortarg/ and defined($name = $self->{'long'}{$1})
134 28 46 $begin =~ /$shortarg/ and defined($name = $self->{'long'}{$1}) and $self->{'flags'}{$name} & $arg
814 4 1 1 $self->{'config'}{'ignore_unknown'} and $self->{'config'}{'ignore_unknown'} > 1
871 143 1 0 not exists $self->{'param'}{$key} and defined $self->{'config'}{'accept_unknown'}
144 0 0 not exists $self->{'param'}{$key} and defined $self->{'config'}{'accept_unknown'} and $self->{'config'}{'accept_unknown'} > 1
920 12 0 0 defined $self->{'config'}{'version'} and $self->{'param'}{'version'}
994 0 6 36 $prefill && $indent - $prefill > 2
1011 0 87 6 @paragraphs and $paragraphs[$#paragraphs] eq ""
1022 0 0 87 $length > $llen && $length > $slen
1117 3 1 1 @desc and $desc[0] =~ /^\s*$/
1125 0 1 0 @desc and $desc[0] =~ /^\s*$/
1128 0 0 1 not defined $usage and @desc
1133 0 1 1 @desc and $desc[0] =~ /^\s*$/
1224 0 0 0 $self->{'type'}{$k} == $scalar && ($self->{'flags'}{$k} & $switch || defined $self->{'arg'}{$k} && $self->{'arg'}{$k} eq '') && $self->{'default'}{$k}
1375 0 0 0 not $flags & $switch and $s ne ""
1607 42 0 0 $self->{'config'}{'hidenonshort'} and $self->{'short'}{$k} eq ""
0 0 0 $k eq 'version' && defined $self->{'config'}{'version'}
42 0 0 $self->{'config'}{'hidenonshort'} and $self->{'short'}{$k} eq "" and not $k eq 'version' && defined $self->{'config'}{'version'}
1649 36 4 2 $k eq "help" and $self->{'param'}{'help'} > 1
40 0 2 $k eq "help" and $self->{'param'}{'help'} > 1 and defined $self->{'extrahelp'}
1650 0 0 42 @help && ($help[0] ne '' ? " # $help[0]" : '')
1670 0 0 0 $k eq "help" and $self->{'param'}{'help'} > 1
1705 1278 0 24 -e $_[0] && !(-d $_[0])
1814 1 0 0 defined $2 and $2 =~ /^(.+)$/
1978 68 16 0 defined $curpar->{'long'} and $construct || $self->{'config'}{'accept_unknown'} && !exists $self->{'param'}{$par} && $curpar->{'long'} eq $par
1990 81 3 0 not exists $self->{'param'}{$par} and $construct || $self->{'config'}{'accept_unknown'}
2049 1 0 1 defined $self->{'config'}{'info'} and not $bare
2054 2 0 0 defined $self->{'config'}{'infopod'} and not $bare
2158 26 0 1 $_[1] eq "/=" and $_[2] eq "/"
2182 50 0 2 $_[1] eq "/=" and $_[2] eq "/"
2241 12 0 4 $self->{'type'}{$k} == $scalar and $p->{$k} ne ""
4 2 6 $self->{'type'}{$k} == $array and @{$p->{$k};}
2 1 3 $self->{'type'}{$k} == $hash and %{$p->{$k};}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
228 0 1 257 $$name_there{$def->{'long'}} or $name_there->{$short}
488 0 0 398 defined $self->{'param'}{$name} or defined $self->{'long'}{$pd->{'short'}}
554 26 0 42 $self->{'config'}{'nofile'} or @{$self->{'param'}{'config'};}
664 1 0 5 not defined $nname or $nname ne $name
0 0 6 $ret or (not defined $nname or $nname ne $name)
805 90 0 6 exists $self->{'param'}{$name} or $self->{'config'}{'accept_unknown'}
952 0 68 3 not defined $format or $format eq "dump"
1046 1231 95 95 $llen > $slen or @words
1050 95 125 1106 not $l or $l + $llen >= $length
1114 2 0 2 defined $tagline or not defined $prog
1119 1 2 1 defined $usage or not @desc
1148 1 0 3 @desc or defined $self->{'config'}{'infopod'}
1350 0 0 0 $flags & $switch or not $flags & $count
1352 0 0 0 $flags & $count or not $flags & $switch
1803 79 61 123 $_ =~ /^\s*#/ or $_ =~ /^\s*#?\s*$lend$/o
1978 6 0 10 $construct || $self->{'config'}{'accept_unknown'} && !exists $self->{'param'}{$par} && $curpar->{'long'} eq $par
1990 0 0 3 $construct || $self->{'config'}{'accept_unknown'}
2158 2 0 27 $_[1] eq "//=" or $_[1] eq "/=" and $_[2] eq "/"
2182 1 0 52 $_[1] eq "//=" or $_[1] eq "/=" and $_[2] eq "/"
2241 4 6 6 $self->{'type'}{$k} == $scalar and $p->{$k} ne "" or $self->{'type'}{$k} == $array and @{$p->{$k};}
6 3 3 $self->{'type'}{$k} == $scalar and $p->{$k} ne "" or $self->{'type'}{$k} == $array and @{$p->{$k};} or $self->{'type'}{$k} == $hash and %{$p->{$k};}
2288 0 0 1381 $verbose or $self->{'config'}{'verbose'}