Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 37 48 77.0

line true false branch
22 4 4 if $initial_cfg
28 0 6 if (defined $nsstash->{'__CONFIG__'})
43 0 8 if (substr($key, -2, 2) eq '::') { }
60 6 7 $ns ? :
68 12 1 if $sub
70 1 12 unless ($ok)
72 0 1 if $err =~ /Error-prone code/u
73 1 0 unless ref $err
87 19 5 if (index($directive, 'namespace') == 0) { }
5 0 elsif ($directive eq 'include') { }
88 2 17 if $directive eq 'namespace-abs'
89 4 15 $ns ? :
90 17 2 if $rest =~ /\s*(\S+)/u
103 5 0 if ($curpkg ne 'NS')
108 5 0 if $dir and not $file->is_absolute
110 1 4 if (index($file, '*') >= 0) { }
122 0 23 if defined $config->{'assign_proc'}
124 8 83 if $key eq 'BEGIN' or $key eq 'DESTROY' or $key eq 'AUTOLOAD' or index($key, '__ANON__') == 0
125 18 65 if (substr($key, -2, 2) eq '::')
129 0 65 unless my $glob = $stash->{$key}
130 0 65 if not defined $$glob and defined *$glob{'CODE'}
131 0 65 if (defined $assign_proc) { }
142 8 10 $ns ? :
143 1 17 if (exists $dest->{$subns})