Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 100 166 60.2

line true false branch
32 0 4 if (length $user) { }
38 4 0 if @ent
55 2 4 !$after_ws || $is_cur_word ? :
2 4 $is_cur_word ? :
8 6 $4 ? :
6 14 $1 ? :
69 0 1 $is_cur_word ? :
2 1 $1 ? :
117 1 90 unless $point >= 0
267 0 87 unless defined $line
292 181 11 if ($2 or $5 or defined $8) { }
10 1 elsif ($10) { }
295 157 24 unless (defined $cword)
296 18 119 $5 ? :
20 137 $2 ? :
298 72 85 if ($point <= $pos_min_ws) { }
2 83 elsif ($point < $pos) { }
299 60 12 $after_ws ? :
301 2 0 $after_ws ? :
306 158 23 if ($after_ws) { }
312 20 138 $5 ? :
23 158 $2 ? :
316 9 6 if ($opts and $opts->{'truncate_current_word'} and $is_cur_word and $pos > $point)
322 158 23 if ($after_ws) { }
327 2 179 if ($add_blank)
331 20 138 $5 ? :
23 158 $2 ? :
77 104 ($2 ? $4 : ($5 ? $7 : $9)) ? :
383 5 10 if ($w =~ /\A[\@=:]+\z/) { }
384 3 2 if (@$new_words and $#$new_words != $cword) { }
386 3 0 if $cword >= $i or $cword >= @$new_words
390 5 0 if ($i + 1 < @$words)
393 3 2 if $cword >= $i or $cword >= @$new_words
406 15 0 if (eval { do { require Term::Size; 1 } }) { }
416 0 0 if (eval { do { require Term::Size; 1 } }) { }
427 0 14 if (defined $num_columns and $num_columns > 0) { }
438 0 0 $n >= 1 ? :
539 2 13 unless ref $hcomp eq "HASH"
560 0 1 if ($msg =~ /\A /)
562 0 0 unless length $msg
572 1 14 if (defined $hcomp->{'message'})
579 5 9 unless @$words == 1
580 4 5 if (defined $path_sep)
583 1 3 if (ref $words->[0] eq 'HASH') { }
585 1 0 if $words->[0]{'word'} =~ /$re/
587 2 1 if $words->[0] =~ /$re/
593 2 0 if ($hcomp->{'is_partial'} or ref $words->[0] eq "HASH" and $words->[0]{'is_partial'})
595 1 1 if (ref $words->[0] eq 'HASH') { }
617 0 14 unless $opts->{'workaround_with_wordbreaks'} // 1
618 14 0 unless defined $opts->{'word'}
620 0 0 if ($opts->{'word'} =~ s/(.+[\@><=;|&\(:])//)
623 0 0 if (ref $_ eq 'HASH') { }
634 7 19 ref $entry eq 'HASH' ? :
635 7 19 ref $entry eq 'HASH' ? :
636 1 25 if ($esc_mode eq 'shellvar') { }
1 24 elsif ($esc_mode eq 'none') { }
647 0 26 if length $summary
659 4 10 if @words <= 1
660 10 0 unless $has_summary
662 0 0 unless ($opts->{'show_summaries'} // $ENV{'COMPLETE_BASH_SHOW_SUMMARIES'}) // 1
666 0 0 if $max_entry_width < length $words[$_]
668 0 0 if $max_summ_width < length $summaries[$_]
672 0 0 if ($summary_align eq "right")
675 0 0 if ($max_columns <= 0)
681 0 0 if $max_summ_width < $new_max_summ_width
688 0 0 if (length $summary)
689 0 0 $summary_align eq 'right' ? :
698 14 0 unless $max_columns > 0
701 0 0 if $max_entry_width < length $_
703 0 0 if $max_entry_width >= $column_width
705 0 0 if $column_width > length $_
710 0 14 if $ENV{'INSIDE_EMACS'}
711 14 0 unless $ENV{'COMPLETE_BASH_FZF'}
713 0 0 if ($items == -1)
716 0 0 unless @words >= $items
719 0 0 unless (File::Which::which("fzf"))
730 0 0 unless (my $pid = IPC::Open2::open2(\*CHLD_OUT, \*CHLD_IN, "fzf", "-m", "-d:", "--with-nth=2.."))
741 0 0 unless my($index) = /\A([0-9]+)\:/
744 0 0 if (@res_words) { }
754 1 14 if ($as eq 'array') { }