Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 1 116 0.8

line true false branch
34 1 0 if (-d "$FindBin::Bin/../lib")
90 0 0 if $debug
94 0 0 unless -d $spooldir
100 0 0 if (@ARGV)
119 0 0 if ($list)
125 0 0 if ($activate)
127 0 0 unless $rebuild
130 0 0 unless ($rebuild)
152 0 0 if (open my $fd, '<', $statefile) { }
155 0 0 if ($refresh)
180 0 0 unless opendir my $dh, $INC[0] . "/Comics/Plugin"
184 0 0 unless $m =~ /^[0-9A-Z].*\.pm$/u
185 0 0 if $m eq ""
187 0 0 unless $m =~ /$pluginfilter/u
195 0 0 unless $pkg
196 0 0 unless ($pkg eq "Comics::Plugin::$m")
201 0 0 unless $comic
207 0 0 $comic->{'disabled'} ? :
211 0 0 if (not $activate and $comic->{'ondemand'} and not exists $state->{'comics'}{$tag})
216 0 0 if ($activate > 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($activate < 0) { }
223 0 0 unless unlink spoolfile($tag . "." . $_)
228 0 0 unless defined $_
229 0 0 unless unlink spoolfile($_)
235 0 0 if ($state->{'comics'}{$tag}{'disabled'})
242 0 0 if ($main::stats->{'loaded'} == $main::stats->{'excluded'})
259 0 0 unless ($state->{'comics'}{$main::a->{'tag'}}{'disabled'} // 0) <=> ($state->{'comics'}{$main::b->{'tag'}}{'disabled'} // 0) or $main::b->{'update'} <=> $main::a->{'update'}
265 0 0 if $l_name < length $_->{'name'}
266 0 0 if $l_plugin < length ref $_
282 0 0 $st->{'disabled'} ? :
0 0 $comic->{'update'} ? :
295 0 0 unless ($ua)
301 0 0 if $verbose > 1
312 0 0 if $comic->{'state'}{'disabled'} and not $force
316 0 0 unless (eval { do { $comic->fetch($reuse); 1 } })
330 0 0 unless chdir $spooldir
334 0 0 if $debug
335 0 0 if $rebuild
341 0 0 unless $force
346 0 0 if ($debug > 1)
352 0 0 unless (-s "comics.png")
364 0 0 unless open my $hh, "<:utf8", $_
437 0 0 unless $verbose
453 0 0 if $disabled
454 0 0 if $excluded
455 0 0 if ($fail)
456 0 0 if ($html) { }
491 0 0 unless $debug
514 0 0 if (@ARGV > 0)
526 0 0 unless &GetOptions("spooldir=s", \$spooldir, "refresh", \$refresh, "rebuild", \$rebuild, "enable", \$activate, "disable", sub { $activate = -1; } , "list", \$list, "force", \$force, "reuser", \$reuse, "ident", \$ident, "verbose+", \$verbose, "quiet", sub { $verbose = 0; } , "trace", \$trace, "help|?", \$help, "man", \$man, "debug", \$debug)
532 0 0 if ($ident or $help or $man)
535 0 0 if ($man or $help)
536 0 0 if $help
537 0 0 if $man
718 0 0 if $res->is_success
720 0 0 if ($res->status_line =~ /^403/u)
725 0 0 unless $res->status_line =~ /^5/u
726 0 0 if $verbose