Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 48 66.6

line true false branch
267 0 144 if $ha > 1
268 144 0 if $hb > 1
269 144 0 if $hc > 1
271 16 128 if ($a == $b and $a == $c) { }
76 52 elsif (abs $a - $b >= abs $b - $c and abs $a - $b >= abs $a - $c) { }
24 28 elsif (abs $b - $c > abs $a - $b and abs $b - $c >= abs $a - $c) { }
28 0 elsif (abs $a - $c > abs $a - $b and abs $a - $c > abs $b - $c) { }
301 144 144 if (defined $options)
302 144 0 if (ref $options eq 'HASH') { }
303 0 144 if defined $$options{'min'}
304 0 144 if defined $$options{'max'}
305 144 0 if defined $$options{'dmin'}
306 144 0 if defined $$options{'dmax'}
311 0 288 if ($min < min($component_min, $component_max))
314 0 288 if ($max > max($component_min, $component_max))
318 144 144 if (not defined $dmin && defined $dmax) { }
321 16 128 if ($a == $b and $b == $c) { }
128 0 elsif (defined $dmin and defined $dmax) { }
326 0 128 if (defined $options and $$options{'relative'})
328 0 0 if ($rel_factor) { }
336 0 128 if ($d <= $dmin) { }
36 92 elsif ($d >= $dmax) { }
370 160 128 if ($x <= 0) { }
36 92 elsif ($x >= 1) { }