Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 73 110 66.3

line true false branch
34 15 0 if ($_[$i] eq "-setup")
58 0 2 unless my $m = +(shift())->{'template_method'}{$name}
73 0 15 unless @{"${pkg}::ISA";}
89 37 24 if ref $class
98 10 0 !(@args & 1) ? :
14 10 @args == 1 && ref $args[0] ? :
104 10 8 if (my $p = $parse->{'template_parameter'}{$_}) { }
105 1 1 unless ref $attrs{$_} eq "ARRAY"
2 8 if ($p eq '@') { }
3 5 elsif ($p eq '%') { }
106 1 2 unless ref $attrs{$_} eq "HASH"
109 0 8 unless $class->can($_)
124 4 18 if $self->{'context'}
135 0 0 unless defined $v
136 0 0 if ($p eq '@') { }
0 0 elsif ($p eq '%') { }
137 0 0 ref $v eq 'HASH' ? :
0 0 unless ref $v eq "ARRAY"
141 0 0 ref $v eq 'ARRAY' ? :
0 0 unless ref $v eq "HASH"
150 9 0 if (defined $new)
151 0 9 unless $self->output->has_section($new)
169 8 20 if (exists $self->{$name}) { }
172 0 1 unless $self->{$name}
173 0 2 unless $self->{$name}
2 0 ref $ref eq 'HASH' ? :
1 2 ref $ref eq 'ARRAY' ? :
5 3 ref $ref eq 'SCALAR' ? :
176 1 0 ref $ref eq 'HASH' ? :
2 1 ref $ref eq 'ARRAY' ? :
17 3 ref $ref eq 'SCALAR' ? :
184 19 9 ref $ref eq 'SCALAR' ? :
197 9 30 unless defined $self->{'current_out'}
202 4 0 if $self->{'current_out_colgroup_state'}{$group_i} == 2
211 6 14 if $col > $maxcol
212 5 15 if defined $1 and length $1 > $maxdigit
216 10 10 $1 ? :
224 0 0 ord $_ > 126 || ord $_ < 33 ? :
240 20 119 if ($s->{'colgroup'}) { }
119 0 elsif (defined $s->{'eval_idx'}) { }
244 7 13 $s->{'last'} ? :
247 0 119 unless my $fn = $expr_subs[$s->{'eval_idx'}]
253 0 119 if @out == 1 and ref $out[0] eq "ARRAY"
262 119 0 if ($self->{'autoindent'})
266 11 108 if (ord $s->{'eval'} == 64)
267 0 11 unless defined $last_char
268 3 8 if ($self->{'autostatementline'} and $last_char eq '{' || $last_char eq ';' and substr($text, $s->{'pos'} + $s->{'len'}, 1) eq ';') { }
8 0 elsif ($self->{'autocomma'} and $last_char eq ',' || $last_char eq '(' || $last_char eq '{') { }
0 0 elsif ($self->{'autoindent'} and not $inline and not $join_sep =~ /\n/u) { }
272 3 0 if (not $inline and substr($text, $s->{'pos'} + $s->{'len'}, 2) eq ";\n") { }
275 2 1 unless (@out)
285 7 1 $inline ? :
288 2 6 if (not @out or $out[0] =~ /^\s*,/u)
296 114 5 if (@out)
301 108 6 if ($self->{'autoindent'} and $indent)