Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 40 67.5

line true false branch
8 1 11 unless exists $features{$_}
12 0 11 if $] < 5.0089999
13 2 9 if $_ eq '$*'
14 0 11 if $] < 5.0109999
15 4 7 if $_ eq 'split'
16 0 11 if $] < 5.0150029
17 5 6 if $_ eq '$['
19 7 7 if @_
20 0 7 if $] < 5.0089999
22 0 7 if $] < 5.0109999
24 0 7 if $] < 5.0150029
39 1 0 unless exists $features{$_}
45 0 3 if @_
46 0 3 if ($^H{'Classic_Perl__$['})
50 3 0 if (exists $^H{'Classic_Perl__$*'} and $] > 5.0130069 and $INC{''})
59 5 0 if ($] > 5.0089999)
71 1 3 if $_[1] < 5.0089999
72 3 1 if $_[1] < 5.0109999
73 4 0 if $_[1] < 5.0150029
74 4 0 if @features