Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 27 68 39.7

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
37 0 2 &ensure_class_loaded('DateTime::Format::Epoch') and $_datetime_loaded = 1
259 0 1 &ensure_class_loaded('Time::Piece') and $_time_piece_loaded = 1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
26 0 0 37 $period && $period =~ / \A [\d._]+ \z /msx && $period > 0
57 0 0 11 defined $dtstr and length $dtstr
126 5 1 5 defined $hh and $hh <= 12
6 5 0 defined $hh and $hh <= 12 and $dtstr =~ s/ ([ap]) \.?m?\.? \s / /mox
141 0 6 0 length $year > 2 and $year < 1901
160 6 2 0 not defined $year and $dtstr =~ s/ \s (\d{2} (\d{2})?)[\s\.,] / /mox
170 3 0 0 $2 and $2 =~ / $dstpat /msx
210 0 9 0 defined $zone and $dst
223 0 0 9 $month <= 11 and $day >= 1
0 0 9 $month <= 11 and $day >= 1 and $day <= 31
0 0 9 $month <= 11 and $day >= 1 and $day <= 31 and $hh <= 23
0 0 9 $month <= 11 and $day >= 1 and $day <= 31 and $hh <= 23 and $mm <= 59
0 0 9 $month <= 11 and $day >= 1 and $day <= 31 and $hh <= 23 and $mm <= 59 and $ss <= 59
232 9 0 0 $result == -1 and join('', $ss, $mm, $hh, $day, $month, $year) ne '595923311169'
245 0 0 0 $result == -1 and join('', $ss, $mm, $hh, $day, $month, $year) ne join('', (localtime -1)[0..5])

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
117 1 2 $4 || 0
169 3 0 $1 || 0
176 0 0 $1 || 0
191 0 0 $1 || 0
268 3 1 $format //= '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
232 0 0 9 not defined $result or $result == -1 and join('', $ss, $mm, $hh, $day, $month, $year) ne '595923311169'
245 0 0 0 not defined $result or $result == -1 and join('', $ss, $mm, $hh, $day, $month, $year) ne join('', (localtime -1)[0..5])
268 4 0 0 $time //= time