Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 42 54 77.7

line true false branch
26 0 29 unless defined $sig_names
29 24 5 unless ref $sig_names
32 0 29 unless ref $sig_names eq 'ARRAY'
36 1 30 unless $sig_name =~ /^\w(?:[\w\d])*$/
54 1 9 unless UNIVERSAL::can($class, $sig_name)
73 0 28 unless (blessed $self)
77 2 26 if (exists $signal_busy{$src_id}{$sig_name})
93 13 13 if (defined $slots)
96 14 0 if (defined $dst_obj)
103 0 14 if ($$options{'reveal_source'})
113 12 2 if (blessed $dst_obj) { }
128 5 21 if $@
141 0 8 unless blessed $src_obj
146 3 6 if exists $signal_map{$src_id}{$sig_name}
163 1 14 unless blessed $src_obj and defined $dst_obj
167 13 1 if (blessed $dst_obj) { }
169 2 10 unless $dst_obj->can($dst_method)
173 0 1 unless ref $dst_obj eq 'CODE'
180 10 1 unless $$options{'undeclared'}
188 9 1 if $weaken
196 3 7 unless (exists $patched{$caller})
229 0 10 unless blessed $src_obj
232 1 9 if (@_) { }
241 1 0 if (defined $dst_obj) { }
242 1 0 if (defined $slots)
245 2 0 if defined $_ and defined $$_[0]
280 0 4 if UNIVERSAL::can($caller, $sig_name)