Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 14 44 31.8

line true false branch
49 0 2 if ref $newenv and UNIVERSAL::isa($newenv, 'Class::Scaffold::Environment')
52 2 0 unless (ref $newenv)
90 0 0 unless UNIVERSAL::can($object, 'get_my_factory_type')
92 0 0 defined $factory_type ? :
101 0 2 if $main::PTAGS
103 0 3 if defined &DB::DB and not $Devel::DProf::VERSION
108 0 3 unless $$hash{$key}
113 0 2 if $main::PTAGS
115 0 0 if defined &DB::DB and not $Devel::DProf::VERSION
120 0 0 wantarray ? :
123 0 2 if $main::PTAGS
125 0 0 if defined &DB::DB and not $Devel::DProf::VERSION
141 0 0 unless (defined $class and length $class)
169 0 0 if $self->storage_for_type($object_type)->is_abstract
191 0 2 if exists $cache{'get_storage_type_for'}{$key}
205 1 0 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
1 1 defined $_[0] ? :
2 0 @_ == 1 ? :
209 2 0 if (my $class = $self->get_storage_class_name_for($storage_name))
238 0 0 if $self->multiplex_transaction_omit($storage_type)
246 0 0 if $self->multiplex_transaction_omit($storage_type)
254 0 2 if $self->multiplex_transaction_omit($storage_type)