Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 112 0.0

line true false branch
225 0 0 ref $inv ? :
227 0 0 $rel ? :
242 0 0 unless ($collection)
255 0 0 unless ($collection)
271 0 0 unless $children
272 0 0 unless ($all_exist)
283 0 0 if ($children)
315 0 0 if ($Class::ReluctantORM::SOFT_TODO_MESSAGES)
326 0 0 if (@_ == 1) { }
329 0 0 if (@_ % 2)
351 0 0 ref $args{'remote_key'} eq 'ARRAY' ? :
354 0 0 ref $args{'local_key'} eq 'ARRAY' ? :
357 0 0 ref $args{'join_remote_key'} eq 'ARRAY' ? :
360 0 0 ref $args{'join_local_key'} eq 'ARRAY' ? :
376 0 0 if ($DEBUG > 1)
416 0 0 unless ($local_rel and $local_rel->is_has_many_many)
417 0 0 if ($local_rel->inverse_relationship)
430 0 0 unless (@remote_hmm_rels)
439 0 0 unless array_shallow_eq(\@local_keys1, \@local_keys2)
444 0 0 unless array_shallow_eq(\@join_local_keys1, \@join_local_keys2)
449 0 0 unless array_shallow_eq(\@join_remote_keys1, \@join_remote_keys2)
455 0 0 unless array_shallow_eq(\@remote_keys1, \@remote_keys2)
460 0 0 if (@matches == 1) { }
519 0 0 unless (defined $collection)
527 0 0 wantarray ? :
540 0 0 wantarray ? :
573 0 0 $root_crit ? :
606 0 0 $use_child ? :
641 0 0 if (exists $args{$f})
644 0 0 unless (exists $args{$f})
653 0 0 if ($args{'children'}) { }
668 0 0 unless (defined $object)
671 0 0 unless ($object->isa($self->rel->linked_class))
678 0 0 if ($self->is_populated) { }
698 0 0 if ($self->is_populated or defined $$self{'_count'}) { }
725 0 0 if ($use_alias_macro) { }
818 0 0 $crit ? :
842 0 0 $crit ? :
927 0 0 unless ($child->is_inserted)
930 0 0 unless ($allow_uninserted_parent)
931 0 0 unless ($collection->linking_object->is_inserted)
935 0 0 if ($collection->is_populated)
936 0 0 if (grep {$_->id eq $child->id;} $collection->all)
951 0 0 unless (@pending)
1003 0 0 if ($coll->is_populated)
1015 0 0 if ($inv_rel)
1052 0 0 unless (@pending)
1105 0 0 unless ($child->is_inserted)
1108 0 0 unless ($collection->linking_object->is_inserted)
1111 0 0 unless ($collection->is_populated)
1118 0 0 if ($coll->is_populated)
1129 0 0 if ($inv_rel)
1149 0 0 if (@_ == 1)
1150 0 0 if (@_ % 2)
1152 0 0 unless (defined $args{'where'})
1155 0 0 if (&Scalar::Util::blessed($args{'where'}) and $args{'where'}->isa(Where())) { }