Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 24 35 68.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
108 0 0 1 $ref and $ref eq 'CODE'
119 1 0 0 $ref and $ref eq 'CODE'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
331 1 24 delete $$self{'code'} || sub { my $package = ref $_[0] ? ref shift() : shift(); my $class = $$specs{$package}; $class->handle_error("Cannot construct objects of astract class $package") if $class->abstract; my $sub = @_ % 2 && ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE' ? pop @_ : undef; my(%p) = @_; my $new = bless({}, $package); my @req; if (my $attrs = $$class{'attrs'}) { foreach my $attr (@{$attrs;}{@{$$class{'all_attr_ord'};}}) { next if $attr->context == 1; my $key = $attr->name; if (exists $p{$key} and $attr->authz >= 3) { $attr->set($new, delete $p{$key}); } elsif (not exists $$new{$key}) { $$new{$key} = $attr->default; push @req, $attr if $attr->required; } ; } ; } ; if (my(@attributes) = keys %p) { my $c = $#attributes > 0 ? 'attributes' : 'attribute'; local $" = q[', ']; $class->handle_error("No such $c '@{attributes}' in $$self{'package'} objects"); } ; &$sub($new) if $sub; if (@req and my(@miss) = grep({not defined $$new{$_->name};} @req)) { my $c = $#miss > 0 ? 'Attributes' : 'Attribute'; my $a = join(q[', '], map({$_->name;} @miss)); $class->handle_error("$c '${a}' must be defined in $$self{'package'} objects"); } ; return $new; }

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
66 39 1 2 UNIVERSAL::isa($caller, 'Class::Meta') or UNIVERSAL::isa($caller, 'Class::Meta::Constructor')
87 2 0 34 exists $$class{'ctors'}{$p{'name'}} or exists $$class{'meths'}{$p{'name'}}
95 2 1 6 $p{'view'} == 4 or $p{'view'} == 2
3 1 5 $p{'view'} == 4 or $p{'view'} == 2 or $p{'view'} == 3
2 2 3 $p{'view'} == 4 or $p{'view'} == 2 or $p{'view'} == 3 or $p{'view'} == 1
128 0 30 0 ref $pkg || $pkg
260 25 0 1 UNIVERSAL::isa($caller, 'Class::Meta') or UNIVERSAL::isa($caller, 'Class::Meta::Constructor')
266 24 1 0 delete $$self{'create'} or $$self{'code'}
355 0 25 0 $$self{'caller'} ||= $sub