Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 18 22 81.8

line true false branch
27 36 98 unless (UNIVERSAL::can($class_method, 'inherit'))
32 36 0 if UNIVERSAL::can($class_method, 'inherit')
36 56 78 if ($method eq 'new' and not ref $self)
42 8 70 unless ref $self
44 0 70 if $class_method->get_classdata('debug')
48 14 56 if (ref $$self and UNIVERSAL::isa($$self, $class_method->get_classdata('class'))) { }
97 0 24 unless UNIVERSAL::can($orig_class, 'AUTOLOAD')
106 24 8 if defined *{$package . '::AUTOLOAD';}{'CODE'}
124 24 4 if (UNIVERSAL::can($object, 'AUTOLOAD'))
154 1 14 unless exists $params{$param}
181 0 56 if (ref $id and UNIVERSAL::isa($id, $own_package->get_classdata('class')))