Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 14 84 16.6

line true false branch
5 0 2 unless $foo::CLASS_HPLOO{'HTML'}{$_[0]}
1 1 if ref $CLASS_HPLOO{'HTML'}{$_[0]} eq 'ARRAY'
0 0 if $$stack{$isa_i}++
0 0 if $isa_i eq $class_end
0 0 $found ? :
0 0 if $only_stak
0 0 if $count > 100
0 0 $sub eq 'new' ? :
0 0 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($pack, 'Class::HPLOO::Base')) { }
0 0 if $isa_i eq $pack or $isa_i eq 'Class::HPLOO::Base'
0 0 if $isa_i eq 'UNIVERSAL'
0 0 if $isa_sub
0 0 if ($look_deep or not defined &$isa_sub)
0 0 unless defined &$isa_sub
0 0 unless defined *{'Class::HPLOO::Base::';}
0 0 if $prev_pack eq 'Class::HPLOO::Base'
0 0 $sub0 =~ /^(.*?(?:::)?$sub)\::$sub$/ ? :
0 0 if $sub_is_new_hploo and $prev_pack and !ref($_[0]) && $_[0] ne $prev_pack && !UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], $prev_pack) || ref $_[0] && !UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], $prev_pack)
0 0 $sub_is_new_hploo ? :
0 0 if ($sub0 ne $isa_sub and not ref $_[0] and $isa_sub =~ /^(.*?(?:::)?$sub_name)\::$sub_name$/)
0 0 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($pk, 'Class::HPLOO::Base')) { }
0 0 if ($sub_is_new_hploo)
0 0 if $isa_sub
0 0 if ($sub0 eq $isa_sub and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], $pack))
0 0 if $isa_sub and defined &$isa_sub and $sub0 ne $isa_sub
0 0 if (defined @{"${pack}::ISA";})
0 0 $sub_is_new_hploo ? :
0 0 if "${pack}::$sub" eq $sub0
0 2 if defined &{"${ISA_i}::new";}
1 0 if (not defined &foo and @foo::ISA > 1)
0 1 if ref $class
1 0 unless ref $this and UNIVERSAL::isa($this, $class)
0 1 defined &foo ? :
0 1 if (ref $ret_this and UNIVERSAL::isa($ret_this, $class)) { }
0 1 elsif ($ret_this == $undef) { }
1 0 if $ISA_i eq 'Class::HPLOO::Base'
0 0 if defined &$sub
0 0 if UNIVERSAL::isa($ret, $class)
1 0 if $ISA_i eq 'Class::HPLOO::Base'
0 0 if defined &$sub
9 0 1 if defined $this
1 0 ref $_[0] && UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'foo') ? :