Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 25 40 62.5

line true false branch
44 0 6 if defined $$args{-'package'}
45 0 6 if defined $default and $$args{-'weak'}
47 0 6 if defined &{"${package}::$field";}
48 0 6 if $$args{-'weak'}
49 1 4 ref $default eq 'HASH' && !keys(%$default) ? :
1 5 ref $default eq 'ARRAY' && !@$default ? :
57 2 4 if ($$args{-'init'})
58 0 2 $$args{-'weak'} ? :
61 2 4 if defined $default
65 0 6 if $$args{-'weak'}
69 2 0 unless $#_ > 0 or defined $_[0]{'x'}
1 0 unless $#_ > 0
70 0 6 if $@
76 2 4 if defined wantarray
97 0 1 if defined $$args{-'package'}
99 0 1 if defined &{"${package}::$field";}
110 0 12 if (defined $elem and defined $booleans{$elem}) { }
2 10 elsif (defined $elem and defined $pairs{$elem} and @_) { }
111 0 0 @_ && $_[0] =~ /^[01]$/ ? :
122 7 0 wantarray ? :