Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 12 26 46.1

line true false branch
117 0 0 if ($type eq 'params') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'statement') { }
119 0 0 unless $sth and $$sth{'mock_is_executed'} eq 'yes'
151 0 3 unless $sth
152 0 3 unless $$sth{'mock_num_records'}
155 0 3 unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($sth, 'DBI::st'))
161 2 1 unless $$sth{'Active'}
174 1 2 if $@
200 0 1 if @primary_columns == 1 and not defined $$data{$primary_columns[0]}
204 0 1 if ($@)
218 0 1 unless my $class = ref $self
222 0 1 unless my(@changed_cols) = $self->is_changed
238 0 1 if ($@)