Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 113 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
249 0 0 0 @reqd and not $args{'required'}
1149 0 0 0 $fb->submitted and $fb->validate
1226 0 0 0 $fb->submitted and $fb->validate
1343 0 0 0 $fb->submitted and $fb->validate
1507 0 0 0 $related_class and ref $them eq $related_class
1520 0 0 0 $related_class and ref $related eq $related_class
1571 0 0 0 $fb->submitted and $fb->validate
1659 0 0 0 $fb->submitted and $fb->validate
1731 0 0 0 $fb->submitted and $fb->validate
1780 0 0 0 $fb->submitted and $fb->validate
1809 0 0 0 $fb->submitted and $fb->validate
1999 0 0 0 $args{'debug'} > 1 and @$o
2019 0 0 0 $type eq 'timestamp' && !$v
2021 0 0 0 $skip_ts and $args{'debug'} > 1
2063 0 0 0 %{{} unless $fb_defaults->{'validate'};} and %{{} unless $fb_defaults->{'auto_validate'};}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
232 0 0 $args{'fields'} ||= [map({'' . $_;} grep({not $pk{'' . $_};} $me->_db_order_columns($proto, 'All')))]
245 0 0 $args{'values'} ||= \@values
269 0 0 $group ||= 'All'
336 0 0 delete $args{'show_related'} || []
453 0 0 $them->meta_info($rel_type, $field) || die("No '${rel_type}' meta for '${them}', field '${field}'")
479 0 0 $related_meta->{'args'}{'mapping'} || []
697 0 0 delete $args{'search_opt_cmp'} || '='
850 0 0 $them->meta_info('has_a') || (return)
863 0 0 $me->_field_options($them, $form, $field) || die("No options detected for field '${field}'")
870 0 0 $them->get($field) || die(sprintf('Failed to retrieve a related object from %s has_a field %s - inconsistent db?', ref $them, $field))
964 0 0 $them->meta_info('has_many') || (return)
986 0 0 $me->_field_options($them, $form, $field) || die("No options detected for '${them}' field '${field}'")
995 0 0 $rel->accessor || die("no accessor for $field")
1034 0 0 $them->meta_info('might_have') || (return)
1047 0 0 $me->_field_options($them, $form, $field) || die("No options detected for '${them}' field '${field}'")
1056 0 0 $rel->accessor || die("no accessor for $field")
1618 0 0 $fb->cgi_param('' . $_) || undef
1970 0 0 $args{'validate'} || {}
1971 0 0 $args{'skip_columns'} || []
1972 0 0 $args{'match_columns'} || {}
1973 0 0 $args{'validate_types'} || {}
1974 0 0 $args{'match_types'} || {}
1991 0 0 $them->form_builder_defaults->{'options'} || {}
2025 0 0 $me->_valid_map($type) || ''
2074 0 0 $fb_defaults->{'auto_validate'}{'debug'} ||= 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
582 0 0 0 ref $them || $them
1360 0 0 0 $entity ||= $them
1427 0 0 0 ref $related || $related
1430 0 0 0 $struct->{$related_class}{'entity'} ||= $related
2005 0 0 0 $o || $v_types->{$type}
2025 0 0 0 $v ||= $me->_valid_map($type) || ''