Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 72 88 81.8

line true false branch
10 1 11 if ($] < 5.009005) { }
35 0 10 unless $Class::Accessor::Grouped::__minimum_xsa_version
43 10 0 eval { do { &Module::Runtime::require_module('Sub::Name') } } ? :
54 0 0 if (NO_CXSA and $found_cxsa and not $ENV{'CAG_OLD_XS_NOWARN'})
64 0 10 $] < 5.008009 ? :
66 0 10 $] < 5.013002 ? :
68 10 0 ($INC{'Test/'} || $INC{'Test/'}) && $0 =~ m[ ^ (?: \. \/ )? x?t / .+ \.t $]x ? :
85 6 79 length ref $self ? :
91 85 0 unless ref $maker
95 38 76 ref $_ ? :
97 4 110 unless ($name =~ /\A[A-Z_a-z][0-9A-Z_a-z]*\z/)
99 1 3 if ($name =~ /\0/) { }
1 2 elsif (not $ENV{'CAG_ILLEGAL_ACCESSOR_NAME_OK'}) { }
1 1 elsif ($ENV{'CAG_ILLEGAL_ACCESSOR_NAME_OK'} ne 'DO_NOT_WARN' and not $$illegal_accessors_warned{$class}++) { }
137 9 103 if $name =~ /\A(?: DESTROY | AUTOLOAD | CLONE )\z/x
146 0 224 unless my $cref = $self->$maker($group, $field, $_)
363 15 21 if (length ref $_[0])
364 14 1 if (&Scalar::Util::reftype($_[0]) eq 'HASH') { }
365 5 9 if exists $_[0]{$_[1]}
381 20 10 if defined ${$_[0] . $cag_slot;}
383 4 8 if defined ${$_ . $cag_slot;}
410 6 13 if (length ref $_[0])
411 5 1 if (&Scalar::Util::reftype($_[0]) eq 'HASH') { }
468 4 1 if (defined $_[2] and length $_[2])
484 1 3 unless eval { do { &Module::Runtime::use_package_optimistically($_[2]) } }
507 0 10 length ref $_[0] ? :
764 6 6 @_ > 1 ? :
8 20 @_ > 1 ? :
14 18 @_ > 1 ? :
22 30 @_ > 1 ? :
22 30 @_ > 1 ? :
22 30 @_ > 1 ? :
12 24 @_ > 1 ? :
11 18 @_ > 1 ? :
9 0 length ref $_[0] ? :
1 0 @_ > 1 ? :
0 1 @_ > 1 ? :
786 6 12 unless $cag_produced_crefs
788 0 0 @crefs ? :
812 3 5 length ref $_[0] ? :
815 3 5 if (($current_class->can('get_simple') || 0) == $original_simple_getter and ($current_class->can('set_simple') || 0) == $original_simple_setter) { }
840 0 8 unless ($xsa_autodetected or $$no_xsa_warned_classes{$current_class}++)
860 12 29 unless ($$cag_produced_crefs{$current_class->can($methname) or 0})
877 4 5 if (my $already_seen = $$deferred_calls_seen{$cframe[3]}) { }