Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 70 110 63.6

line true false branch
208 0 0 $got{$_} ? :
0 0 if not $_ =~ /^[gs]et_/ and lc $_ ne 'isa' and $got{$_} ? 0 : ($got{$_} = 1)
231 0 0 if $@
307 1 2 if ((ref $list[1] || '') eq 'SCALAR') { }
308 0 1 if @list % 3
322 1 2 if (@refs) { }
326 0 2 unless @names == @pairs
328 2 1 unless @names > 1
371 1 2 if ((ref $list[1] || '') eq 'SCALAR') { }
372 0 1 if @list % 2
383 0 3 unless @names == @items
384 1 2 if (@refs)
387 2 1 unless @names > 1
413 2 0 if (ref $args[0] || '') eq 'SCALAR'
417 1 1 if ((ref $args[1] || '') eq 'SCALAR') { }
418 0 1 if @args % 2
432 2 0 if $setref
433 1 1 if (@r)
458 1 13 if $caller eq 'main'
484 216 0 if (defined &{$caller . '::' . $name;})
511 0 37 if @_ % 2
514 0 37 unless my $class = $options{'class'}
515 26 11 if (exists $package_map{$class})
517 0 26 if (exists $options{'in'})
518 0 0 unless $package_map{$class} eq $options{'in'}
529 11 0 unless grep {$_ eq $package;} @$class_isa
545 0 98 if (defined &{$fullname;})
549 0 0 if ($p eq 'Module::Refresh')
551 0 0 if $lvl
557 98 0 if $note
601 2 12 if @_ % 2
610 0 7 unless @list
612 0 7 unless my $subref = $standards{$item}
634 1 24 if ($opt and my $attr = $$opt{'attrs'})
638 2 23 if ($class->can('--get')) { }
699 1 12 if ($class->can('--set')) { }
804 0 0 $get_attr && $got && grep(/^lvalue$/, &$get_attr($got)) ? :
824 0 63 unless $check =~ /^[a-z_][\w]*$/i
826 0 1 if exists $$self{'s'}
827 0 63 if $@
850 1 5 unless my $class = $opts{'class'}
855 0 4 unless $item =~ /^[a-z_][\w]*$/i
857 0 9 unless my $str = $subs{$f}
859 5 4 unless ($f eq 'get')
860 3 2 $opts{'secret'} ? :
861 3 2 if $opts{'secret'}
863 0 1 unless $_[0]{'these'}
1 0 unless $_[0]{'h'}
0 1 unless $_[0]{'g'}
1 2 unless $$self{'h'}
864 0 9 if $@
865 5 4 $opts{'secret'} ? :
928 3 7 if ($mode eq 'rw') { }
4 3 elsif ($mode eq 'rs') { }
939 0 3 unless $mode eq 'ro'