Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 23 32 71.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
48 15 10 9 $p & 1 and $self->to_move != $c
233 14 0 5 exists $self->_cover->{$col . $row}{'is_protected_by'} and exists $self->_cover->{$col . $row}{'is_threatened_by'}
0 0 14 exists $self->_cover->{$col . $row}{'white_can_move_here'} and exists $self->_cover->{$col . $row}{'black_can_move_here'}
295 0 0 0 $moves and $moves >= 0

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
96 1 36 $$cover{$piece}{'is_threatened_by'} ||= []
97 14 23 $$cover{$piece}{'is_protected_by'} ||= []
117 15 38 $$cover{$f}{'white_can_move_here'} ||= []
118 15 38 $$cover{$f}{'black_can_move_here'} ||= []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
68 0 0 18 $$m[0] < 0 or $$m[0] > 7
0 1 17 $$m[0] < 0 or $$m[0] > 7 or $$m[1] < 0
1 1 16 $$m[0] < 0 or $$m[0] > 7 or $$m[1] < 0 or $$m[1] > 7
195 2 1 40 $p == 4 or $p == 132