Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 136 0.0

line true false branch
288 0 0 unless open FCHKFILE, $$fchk{'FILENAME'}
295 0 0 if /^$/
300 0 0 if (/^IRC\sNumber\sof\sgeometries\s+I\s+N=\s+\d+/)
304 0 0 if ($ircflag == 1 and /^\s+(\d+)/)
319 0 0 if /^$/
323 0 0 if ($Titleflag == 0)
331 0 0 if ($rparsed == 0 and /^[SPOFIRCMADBVGa-z=]+/)
338 0 0 if (/^Number\s+of\s+atoms\s+I\s+(\d+)/)
343 0 0 if (/^Charge\s+I\s+(-*\d+)/)
348 0 0 if (/^Multiplicity\s+I\s+(\d+)/)
354 0 0 if (/^Number\s+of\s+alpha\s+electrons\s+I\s+(\d+)/)
358 0 0 if (/^Number\s+of\s+beta\s+electrons\s+I\s+(\d+)/)
363 0 0 if (/^Number\s+of\s+basis\s+functions\s+I\s+(\d+)/)
368 0 0 if (/^SCF\s+Energy\s+R\s+(-*\d+\.\d+E-*\+*\d{2,})/)
373 0 0 if (/^Total\s+Energy\s+R\s+(-*\d+\.\d+E-*\+*\d{2,})/)
379 0 0 if (/^S\*\*2\s+R\s+(\d\.\d+E\+\d{2,})/)
384 0 0 if (/^Atomic\s+numbers\s+I\s+N=\s+(\d+)/)
390 0 0 if ($atomflag == 1 and /^\s+((?:\d+\s+){1,6})/)
395 0 0 if $counter == $atomtot
401 0 0 if (/^Number\sof\sredundant\sinternal\sbonds\s+I\s+(\d+)/)
406 0 0 if (/^Number\sof\sredundant\sinternal\sangles\s+I\s+(\d+)/)
411 0 0 if (/^Number\sof\sredundant\sinternal\sdihedrals\s+I\s+(\d+)/)
416 0 0 if (/^Redundant\sinternal\scoordinate\sindices\s+I\s+N=\s+(\d+)/)
422 0 0 if ($redintflag == 1 and /^\s+((?:-*\d+\s+){1,6})/)
426 0 0 if $#{$$fchk{'REDINTCOORD'}[$counter];} == 3
427 0 0 if $counter * 4 == $redinttot
433 0 0 if (/^Current\s+cartesian\s+coordinates\s+R\s+N=\s+(\d+)/)
439 0 0 if ($cartflag == 1 and /^\s+((?:-*\d\.\d+E[-\+]\d{2,}\s+){1,5})/)
443 0 0 if $#{$$fchk{'CARTCOORD'}[$counter];} == 2
444 0 0 if $counter * 3 == $carttot
449 0 0 if (/Real\s+atomic\s+weights\s+R\s+N=\s+(\d+)$/)
454 0 0 if ($weightflag == 1 and /^\s+((?:-*\d\.\d+E-*\+*\d{2,}\s+){1,5})/)
459 0 0 if $counter == $$fchk{'NATOMS'}
465 0 0 if (/^$$fchk{'SPIN'}\s+Orbital\s+Energies\s+R\s+N=\s+(\d+)$/)
471 0 0 if ($eigenflag == 1 and /^\s+((?:-*\d\.\d+E-*\+*\d{2,}\s+){1,5})/)
476 0 0 if $counter == $eigentot
501 0 0 if (/Cartesian\s+Gradient\s+R\s+N=\s+(\d+)$/)
506 0 0 if ($gradientflag == 1 and /^\s+((?:-*\d\.\d+E-*\+*\d{2,}\s+){1,5})/)
511 0 0 if $counter == 3 * $$fchk{'NATOMS'}
516 0 0 if (/Redundant\s+Internal\s+Gradient\s+R\s+N=\s+(\d+)$/)
521 0 0 if ($redintgradientflag == 1 and /^\s+((?:-*\d\.\d+E-*\+*\d{2,}\s+){1,5})/)
526 0 0 if $counter == $$fchk{'NREDINT'}
533 0 0 if (/Cartesian\s+Force\s+Constants\s+R\s+N=\s+(\d+)$/)
539 0 0 if ($hessflag == 1 and /^\s+((?:-*\d\.\d+E-*\+*\d{2,}\s+){1,5})/)
543 0 0 unless $row == $col
545 0 0 if ($row == $col)
550 0 0 if $counter == $hesstot
557 0 0 if (/Redundant\s+Internal\s+Force\s+Constants\s+R\s+N=\s+(\d+)$/)
563 0 0 if ($redinthessflag == 1 and /^\s+((?:-*\d\.\d+E-*\+*\d{2,}\s+){1,5})/)
567 0 0 unless $row == $col
569 0 0 if ($row == $col)
574 0 0 if $counter == $redinthesstot
579 0 0 if (/^IRC\sNum\sresults\sper\sgeometry\s+I\s+(\d+)/)
584 0 0 if (/^IRC\sNum\sgeometry\svariables\s+I\s+(\d+)/)
595 0 0 if (/^IRC\spoint\s+\d+\sResults\sfor\seach\sgeom.*\s+R\s+N=\s+\d+/)
600 0 0 if ($ircresultsflag == 1 and /^\s+((?:-*\d\.\d+E-*\+*\d{2,}\s+){1,5})/)
605 0 0 if ($counter % 2) { }
612 0 0 if $counter == $ircresults * $$fchk{'IRCPOINTS'}
616 0 0 if (/^IRC\spoint\s+\d+\sGeometries\s+R\s+N=\s+\d+/)
622 0 0 if ($ircgeomflag == 1 and /^\s+((?:-*\d\.\d+E-*\+*\d{2,}\s+){1,5})/)
626 0 0 if $#{$$fchk{'IRCCOORD'}[$geomcount][$counter];} == 2
627 0 0 if ($counter == $$fchk{'NATOMS'})
631 0 0 if $geomcount == $$fchk{'IRCPOINTS'}
636 0 0 if (/IRC\spoint\s+\d+\sGradient\sat\seach\sgeom.*\s+R\s+N=\s+\d+/)
642 0 0 if ($ircgradientflag == 1 and /^\s+((?:-*\d\.\d+E-*\+*\d{2,}\s+){1,5})/)
647 0 0 if ($counter == 3 * $$fchk{'NATOMS'})
651 0 0 if $geomcount == $$fchk{'IRCPOINTS'}
665 0 0 unless defined $value