Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 1 180 0.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
76 0 0 0 not ref $name and &index($name, '::') == -1
0 0 0 not ref $name and &index($name, '::') == -1 and &index($name, q[']) == -1
566 0 0 0 --$limit > 0 and $string =~ s/\A((?:$Char::Elatin1::q_char)+?)$pattern//m
595 0 0 0 --$limit > 0 and length $string > 0
608 0 0 0 --$limit > 0 and length $string > 0
627 0 0 0 scalar @split >= 1 and $split[-1] eq ''
708 0 0 0 defined $replacementlist[$i] and $replacementlist[$i] ne ''
0 0 0 defined $replacementlist[-1] and $replacementlist[-1] ne ''
733 0 0 0 @char and not exists $tr{$char[0]}
750 0 0 0 @char and exists $tr{$char[0]}
0 0 0 @char and exists $tr{$char[0]} and $tr{$char[0]} eq $tr{$char}
832 0 0 0 $pos < length $str and $pos <= $position
852 0 0 0 @_ and wantarray
877 0 0 0 @_ and wantarray
903 0 0 0 @_ and wantarray
928 0 0 0 @_ and wantarray
954 0 0 0 @_ and wantarray
1340 0 0 0 0 < $i and $i < $#char
1508 0 0 0 $min le $first and $first le $max
0 0 0 $min le $first and $first le $max and $max le $last
0 0 0 $min eq $first and $max eq $last
0 0 0 $first le $min and $max le $last
0 0 0 $min le $first and $last le $max
0 0 0 $first le $min and $min le $last
0 0 0 $first le $min and $min le $last and $last le $max
1585 0 0 0 $ignorecase and $char[$i] =~ /\A ( \[\: \^? (?:lower|upper) :\] ) \z/mosx
1586 0 0 0 0 < $i and $i < $#char
1734 0 0 0 defined $char[$i + 1] and $char[$i + 1] eq '...'
1757 0 0 0 $length == length $char[$i - 1] and $length == length $char[$i + 1]
0 0 0 length $char[$i - 1] < $length and $length < length $char[$i + 1]
2404 0 0 0 $head ne '' and ($head =~ / \G ($Char::Elatin1::q_char) /gmosx)[-1] ne $pathsep
2427 0 0 0 $head ne '' and ($head =~ / \G ($Char::Elatin1::q_char) /gmosx)[-1] ne $pathsep
2466 0 0 0 $cond eq 'd' and not -d "$head$leaf"
2478 0 0 0 index($leaf, '.') == -1 and length $leaf <= 8
0 0 0 index($leaf, '.') == -1 and length $leaf <= 8 and index($pattern, '\\.') != -1
2548 0 0 0 exists $ENV{'HOME'} and $ENV{'HOME'}
0 0 0 exists $ENV{'USERPROFILE'} and $ENV{'USERPROFILE'}
0 0 0 exists $ENV{'HOMEDRIVE'} and exists $ENV{'HOMEPATH'}
0 0 0 exists $ENV{'HOMEDRIVE'} and exists $ENV{'HOMEPATH'} and $ENV{'HOMEDRIVE'}
0 0 0 exists $ENV{'HOMEDRIVE'} and exists $ENV{'HOMEPATH'} and $ENV{'HOMEDRIVE'} and $ENV{'HOMEPATH'}
2571 0 0 0 exists $ENV{'HOME'} and defined $ENV{'HOME'}
0 0 0 exists $ENV{'LOGDIR'} and $ENV{'LOGDIR'}
2590 0 0 0 defined $home and not -d $home
2681 0 0 0 @_ and not wantarray

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
693 0 0 $_[4] || ''
803 0 0 $position ||= 0
1127 0 0 {'\\D', '${Char::Elatin1::eD}', '\\S', '${Char::Elatin1::eS}', '\\W', '${Char::Elatin1::eW}', '\\d', '[0-9]', '\\s', '\\s', '\\w', '[0-9A-Z_a-z]', '\\C', '[\\x00-\\xFF]', '\\X', 'X', '\\H', '${Char::Elatin1::eH}', '\\V', '${Char::Elatin1::eV}', '\\h', '[\\x09\\x20]', '\\v', '[\\x0A\\x0B\\x0C\\x0D]', '\\R', '${Char::Elatin1::eR}', '\\N', '${Char::Elatin1::eN}', '\\b', '${Char::Elatin1::eb}', '\\B', '${Char::Elatin1::eB}'}->{$char} || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
81 0 0 0 $name =~ /^(([^a-z])|(\^[a-z_]+))\z/i or $global{$name}
547 0 0 0 not defined $limit or $limit <= 0
626 0 0 0 not defined $_[2] or $_[2] == 0
828 0 0 0 $position ||= length($str) - 1
1351 0 0 0 length $char[$i - 1] > length $char[$i + 1] or $char[$i - 1] gt $char[$i + 1]
1930 0 0 0 s/ \A \\x(..) - \\x(..) //mosx or s/ \A \\x((..)) //mosx
2008 0 0 0 s/ \A \\x(..) - \\x(..) //mosx or s/ \A \\x((..)) //mosx
2091 177 0 0 eval q[open($_[0],'<',$_[1])] || open($_[0], "< $file\000")
2101 0 0 0 eval q[open($_[0],'>',$_[1])] || open($_[0], "> $file\000")
2111 0 0 0 eval q[open($_[0],'>>',$_[1])] || open($_[0], ">> $file\000")
2308 0 0 0 eval '(getpwnam($1))[7]' || my_home()
2393 0 0 0 $head eq '' or $head =~ /\A [A-Za-z]: \z/mosx
2463 0 0 0 $leaf eq '.' or $leaf eq '..'
2724 0 0 0 $offset > scalar @char or $offset < -1 * scalar(@char)