Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 51 64 79.6

line true false branch
14 33 18 ref $class_or_self ? :
15 18 33 if (@data)
20 24 27 if $class_or_self->can("namespace_metadata")
25 45 6 ref $class_or_self ? :
26 6 45 if $ct
28 11 40 if ($class_or_self->can("content_in_metadata"))
30 11 0 if $ct
37 5 40 if $ct
43 15 48 ref $class_or_self ? :
44 48 15 if $ct
46 63 0 if ($class_or_self->can("content_type_metadata"))
54 0 354 ref $class_or_self ? :
55 354 0 if (defined $data_proto)
56 354 0 (ref $data_proto || '') eq 'HASH' ? :
57 90 264 unless exists $data->{'name'}
64 63 0 ref $class_or_self ? :
67 0 0 (ref $data[0] || '') eq 'HASH' ? :
68 0 0 unless exists $data->{'name'}
72 63 0 if $class_or_self->can("property_data_metadata")
113 16 17 exists $args{'current_parser'} ? :
115 16 16 if exists $args{'context'}
123 1 32 if not $ct and $c->req->method eq "GET"
124 2 30 if $self->get_content_in eq "query"
130 0 33 if exists $args{'current_namespace'}
149 92 13 if (my $predicate = $meta->{'attr_predicate'})
150 88 4 if ($meta->{'omit_empty'})
151 9 79 unless $self->$predicate
156 12 84 if ((ref $value || '') eq 'ARRAY') { }
2 82 elsif (&Scalar::Util::blessed($value) and $value->can('nested_params')) { }
159 14 9 if (&Scalar::Util::blessed($v)) { }
161 12 2 if keys %$params
170 0 2 unless keys %$params