Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 45 78 57.6

line true false branch
150 0 25 unless (exists $http_method_map{$method})
156 0 25 if $c->debug
158 0 25 if $c->debug
159 0 25 if $c->debug
162 17 8 if ($n <= 2) { }
6 2 elsif ($n <= 4) { }
200 0 6 if $c->debug
201 0 6 if $c->debug
204 4 2 if ($rpc)
205 2 2 unless ($self->enable_rpc_compat and exists $related_methods{$rpc})
206 0 2 if $c->debug
215 2 2 if ($rpc) { }
1 1 elsif ($http_method eq 'POST' or $http_method eq 'PUT') { }
1 0 elsif ($http_method eq 'DELETE') { }
0 0 elsif ($http_method eq 'GET') { }
219 0 2 if ($rpc_method eq "view")
230 0 0 if ($fval eq 'list') { }
0 0 elsif ($fval) { }
251 0 4 if $c->debug
267 0 17 if $c->debug
274 4 13 if (length $oid and $rpc)
275 3 1 if ($self->enable_rpc_compat and exists $rpc_methods{$rpc}) { }
0 1 elsif ($self->enable_rpc_compat and $http_method eq 'GET') { }
1 0 elsif (not $self->enable_rpc_compat && exists $rpc_methods{$rpc}) { }
284 0 0 if $c->debug
296 4 12 if (not length $oid and $http_method eq "GET")
297 0 4 if $c->debug
304 3 9 defined $rpc ? :
307 0 12 if ($rpc_method =~ /^(create|edit)$/)
311 0 12 unless ($self->can($rpc_method))
326 0 0 if $c->debug
328 0 0 if ($c->res->status == 404)
329 0 0 if $c->debug
334 0 16 if $break_chain
338 0 16 if $c->debug
362 32 30 if (uc $c->req->method eq "POST")
364 15 43 if (exists $c->req->params->{$name})
470 6 0 unless (defined $c->res->location and length $c->res->location)
472 1 5 if ($c->action->name eq 'rm') { }