Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 26 73.0

line true false branch
258 1 14 unless $self->asp->_setup_finished
330 6 0 if $self->Body
399 14 5 if (@cookie == 0) { }
2 3 elsif (@cookie == 1) { }
407 0 3 if ($key =~ /secure|value|expires|domain|path|httponly/i) { }
408 0 0 if (my $existing = $self->_get_Cookie($name)) { }
415 1 2 if (my $existing = $self->_get_Cookie($name)) { }
555 2 7 if (ref $include and ref $include eq 'SCALAR') { }
565 2 0 if ($parsed_object->{'is_perl'} and my $code = $asp->compile($c, $parsed_object->{'data'}, $subid)) { }
575 0 7 unless $compiled
581 1 8 if ($compiled->{'is_raw'})
674 9 0 if (ref $cookie eq 'HASH') { }
678 4 5 if ($key =~ /value/i and ref $cookie->{$key} eq 'HASH') { }