Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 18 88.8

line true false branch
29 1 887 if $env->{'psgix.logger'}
30 879 9 if $env->{'psgi.errors'}
52 33 154 if ($self->level & $level)
101 0 0 unless ($HAS_DUMPED++)
111 1 32 if ($self->can('_has_psgi_logger') and $self->_has_psgi_logger) { }
117 24 8 unless $message =~ /\n$/
122 31 2 if ($self->autoflush and not $self->abort)
130 1029 32 if ($self->abort or not $self->_body) { }
141 8 12 if ($self->can('_has_psgi_errors') and $self->_has_psgi_errors) { }