Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 102 126 80.9

line true false branch
106 953 9 if (my $action = $c->action) { }
114 9 0 $path ? :
117 0 9 if $c->debug
130 0 6946 unless ($command)
131 0 0 if $c->debug
137 4 6942 if (ref $extra_params[-2] eq "ARRAY")
141 24 6922 if (ref $extra_params[-1] eq 'ARRAY') { }
153 2 6944 if (&blessed($command) and $command->isa('Catalyst::Action')) { }
162 131 6814 unless ($action)
163 22 109 @extra_params ? :
188 0 50 if (not $action) { }
2 48 elsif (not defined $action->namespace) { }
4 44 elsif (not $action->class->can('_DISPATCH')) { }
204 6 44 if ($error)
206 0 6 if $c->debug
250 1 6894 unless ($action)
254 0 1 if $c->debug
266 1074 5776 if (@{$c->error;})
280 14 2 if $command
288 5960 984 unless ($path =~ m[^/])
305 6812 21 if (my $action = $c->get_action($tail, $path)) { }
311 4 17 unless $path
323 3 128 if $component eq &blessed($c)
325 12 116 &blessed($component) ? :
336 24 106 if (my $code = $component_class->can("action_for"))
338 22 2 if $possible_action
341 108 0 if (my $code = $component_class->can($method)) { }
358 0 0 if $c->debug
387 910 4089 if $type->match($c, $path)
396 0 920 unless $req->captures
398 16 0 if ($c->debug and defined $req->match and length $req->match)
405 3 917 if $c->debug and @args
422 0 7818 unless $name
424 4971 2847 defined $namespace ? :
443 3126 4727 unless $path =~ m[/]
453 0 2901 unless $action
471 0 2901 if $namespace eq "/"
475 2276 625 if (length $namespace)
500 1 69 $uri eq '' ? :
70 200 if defined $uri
519 97 683 if $expanded
539 41572 55512 if $key eq "Private"
541 1153 54359 unless ($registered->{$class})
548 106 1047 unless $load_failed
558 76261 209555 if ($type->_is_low_precedence) { }
568 44524 165016 if $type->register($c, $action)
571 41746 27414 unless ($was_registered)
594 3729 65431 unless $namespace
604 65431 143289 unless $part
609 6234 137055 unless ($child)
633 6 7526 if ref $comp eq "CODE"
634 6513 1019 if $comp->can("register_actions")
639 156 7 unless $c->debug
647 7 0 $avail_width * 0.25 < 20 ? :
648 7 0 $avail_width * 0.5 < 36 ? :
658 4 7 unless $prefix =~ m[/$]
665 45 26 if $action =~ /^_.*/ and not $c->config->{'show_internal_actions'}
674 5 2 if $has_private
691 0 660 unless $success
715 1 2 if ref $_ eq $name
723 1153 0 unless $key =~ /^(Local)?Regexp?/
726 0 0 if ($load_failed) { }
0 0 elsif (not defined $Catalyst::DispatchType::Regex::VERSION or $Catalyst::DispatchType::Regex::VERSION le '5.90020') { }