Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 34 52 65.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
68 19 3 0 defined $$conf{'enable'} and not $$conf{'enable'}
76 19 0 3 defined $$conf{'enable'} and $$conf{'enable'}
0 0 19 not defined $$conf{'enable'} and $c->debug
103 0 8 0 defined ref $emit_list and 'ARRAY' eq ref $emit_list
167 0 7 0 defined ref $emit_list and 'ARRAY' eq ref $emit_list
422 1 18 3 $c->can('user_exists') and $c->user_exists
19 0 3 $c->can('user_exists') and $c->user_exists and $c->user->can($user_identifier_method)
482 21 0 1 $c->_errorcatcher_cfg->{'include_session'} and defined $c->session

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
34 8 1 $c->config->{'Plugin::ErrorCatcher'} || {}
37 0 9 $$config{'context'} ||= 4
38 0 9 $$config{'verbose'} ||= 0
39 0 9 $$config{'always_log'} ||= 0
40 1 8 $$config{'include_session'} ||= 0
41 0 9 $$config{'user_identified_by'} ||= 'id'
131 1 1 $c->config->{$emitter_name} || {}
302 387 22 $$fb_ref ||= ''
314 14 179 $_[3] || 8
414 22 0 $c->request->uri || 'n/a'
415 22 0 $c->request->method || 'n/a'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
76 3 0 19 defined $$conf{'enable'} and $$conf{'enable'} or not defined $$conf{'enable'} and $c->debug
201 15 0 7 not $emitted_count or $c->_errorcatcher_cfg->{'always_log'}