Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 4 14 28.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
173 0 0 0 $c->req->method =~ /post/i and not $no_auto_process
1 0 1 $c->req->method =~ /post/i and not $no_auto_process

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
66 2 0 $roles || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
173 0 0 0 $c->stash->{$id} ||= do { (%args) = %{$self->merge_config_hashes($c->config_for($self->catalyst_component_name), \%args);}; my $form = $self->_build_per_request_form(%args, 'ctx', $c); $form->process if $c->req->method =~ /post/i and not $no_auto_process; $form }
0 2 0 $c->stash->{$id} ||= do { (%args) = %{$self->merge_config_hashes($c->config_for($self->catalyst_component_name), \%args);}; my $form = $self->_build_per_request_form(%args, 'ctx', $c); $form->process if $c->req->method =~ /post/i and not $no_auto_process; $form }