Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 13 18 72.2

line true false branch
29 0 33 if @_
36 2 10 unless defined $callback and defined $self->dir and -d $self->dir
42 29 15 unless ($self->_deep_compare($self->_get_stat($fname), $stat))
57 1 5 unless defined $objstat{'atime'} and -f $filename
94 10 0 if (-d $dir)
100 0 10 if -d $obj and -l $obj and readlink($obj) =~ m[\.\./]
103 44 10 if (-f $obj) { }
10 0 elsif (-d $obj and not &any(sub { $obj =~ /$_/; } , @{$skip_dirs;})) { }
125 0 20 unless opendir my $dh, $dir