Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 31 44 70.4

line true false branch
14 0 72 if @_ > 2
18 0 72 if (@_ == 2)
19 0 0 $accessor_name eq 'part' ? :
0 0 $accessor_name eq 'cpe_version' ? :
22 0 0 unless $new =~ /$validator/
42 5 1 @args == 1 ? :
49 5 0 if ($str =~ m[cpe:/ (?[aoh])? (?: \: (? [^:]*) )? (?: \: (? [^:]*) )? (?: \: (? [^:]*) )? (?: \: (? [^:]*) )? (?: \: (? [^:]*) )? (?: \: (? [^:]*) )? (?: \: (? [^:]*) )? (?: \: (? [^:]*) )? (?: \: (? [^:]*) )? (?: \: (? [^:]*) )? ]xi)
65 3 25 if ($data{$k} eq '') { }
1 24 elsif ($data{$k} eq '-') { }
4 20 elsif ($data{$k} =~ /\%/) { }
84 1 3 if index($data{$k}, "%01") >= 0
85 1 3 if index($data{$k}, "%02") >= 0
87 2 114 if (index($data{$k}, "%" . $special) >= 0)
97 3 2 if (defined $data{'edition'} and substr($data{'edition'}, 0, 1) eq "~")
104 0 10 $_ eq '-' ? :
11 10 $_ eq '' ? :
121 25 35 unless (exists $args{$key})
126 0 35 unless $args{$key} =~ /\A(?:[ a-z 0-9 \. _ # regular characters \- \~ # special meaning characters \* \? # quantifiers # or any of the following special characters: ! " \# \$ \% \& ' \( \) \+ , \/ \: ; \< \= \> \@ \[ \\ \] \^ \` \{ \| \} ]* | ANY | NA # 'ANY' and 'NA' are special values )\z/x
138 5 1 if (exists $args{'part'})
140 0 5 unless $args{'part'} =~ /\A[aoh]\z/
143 5 1 if (exists $args{'cpe_version'})
145 0 5 unless $args{'cpe_version'} =~ /\A2\.[23]\z/