Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 23 58 39.6

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
557 31 0 $args->{'verbose'} and local $| = 1
671 31 0 $args->{'verbose'} and local $| = 1
1023 1 0 not defined $file and ""
1169 1 0 not defined $file and ""

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
186 0 0 32 $self->_mtree and $self->_atree
303 30 0 0 $conf->get_conf("no_update") and not $update_source
326 29 0 1 $conf->get_conf("enable_custom_sources") and $update_source || !$uptodate
385 24 0 36 -e $args->{'file'} and (stat $args->{'file'})[9] + $conf->_get_source("update") > time
578 0 0 0 $idx == $prce && ($prc += 4, $idx = 0, print('.'))
771 0 0 0 $idx == $prce && ($prc += 4, $idx = 0, print('.'))

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
741 0 1550 $dslip_mod->{$item} || ' '

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
35 0 0 0 ref $self || $self
51 3388 0 9 $self->_mtree or $recurse++ > 0
64 165 0 0 $self->_atree or $recurse++ > 0
326 0 1 0 $update_source || !$uptodate
392 24 2 34 $flag or $args->{'update_source'}
578 0 0 0 $prc % 10 || $idx || print($prc, '%')
771 0 0 0 $prc % 10 || $idx || print($prc, '%')
1158 3 1 0 $local ||= do { unless (my(%files) = reverse($self->__list_custom_module_sources)) { error(loc("No custom modules sources defined -- need '%1' argument", "local")); return; } ; my $file = $files{$remote}; $file = $files{lc $remote} if not defined $file and ""; unless ($file) { error(loc("Remote source '%1' unknown -- needs '%2' argument", $remote, "local")); return; } }
1262 5 0 0 $to ||= "File::Spec"->catfile($path, $conf->_get_source("custom_index"))
1356 9 1 0 $auth_obj ||= do { my $id = "LOCAL"; $self->author_tree->{$id} = "CPANPLUS::Module::Author::Fake"->new("cpanid", $id) }