Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 89 134 66.4

line true false branch
103 14 0 if ($_[0] and sub { package CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants; UNIVERSAL::isa($_[-1], 'CPANPLUS::Configure'); } ->('conf', $_[0])) { }
106 0 0 unless $conf = "CPANPLUS::Configure"->new
133 2986 406 if (@_) { }
158 2984 2 @rv == 1 ? :
183 3 161 if (@_) { }
188 2 1 @rv == 1 ? :
255 1 79 unless my $args = do { local $Params::Check::NO_DUPLICATES = 0; local $Params::Check::ALLOW_UNKNOWN = 1; my $tmpl = {"type", {"required", 1, "allow", ["CPANPLUS::Module"->accessors, "CPANPLUS::Module::Author"->accessors], "store", \$type}, "allow", {"required", 1, "default", [], "strict_type", 1}}; check($tmpl, \%hash) }
271 3 76 if (grep {$type eq $_;} 'CPANPLUS::Module::Author'->accessors) { }
277 79 0 if $aref
374 0 1 unless my $args = do { local $Params::Check::NO_DUPLICATES = 1; local $Params::Check::ALLOW_UNKNOWN = 1; my $tmpl = {"modules", {"default", [], "strict_type", 1, "required", 1, "store", \$mods}}; check($tmpl, \%hash) }
391 1 0 sub { package CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants; use strict 'refs'; UNIVERSAL::isa($_[-1], 'CPANPLUS::Module'); } ->('mod', $obj) ? :
395 0 1 unless $href->{$name}
398 1 0 !$flag ? :
478 0 49 unless my $args = check($tmpl, \%hash)
480 1 48 if sub { ;}->("module", $mod)
484 1 47 if (ref $mod)
490 3 44 unless ($mod =~ /[^\w:]/)
494 2 1 if sub { ;}->("module", $maybe)
498 1 44 if ($mod and -d "File::Spec"->rel2abs($mod))
509 1 0 unless $dist =~ /\-[0-9._]+$/
510 1 0 unless $dist =~ /\.[A-Za-z]+$/
521 1 0 if defined $modobj->package_version
525 1 0 if (my $pkgname = $modobj->package_name)
529 1 0 if $pkgname ne $modobj->package_name or not $pkgname =~ /-/
544 15 29 if ($mod =~ m[\w+://.+])
560 13 2 if defined $modobj->package_version
564 13 2 if (my $pkgname = $modobj->package_name)
568 13 0 if $pkgname ne $modobj->package_name or not $pkgname =~ /-/
577 1 28 if ((my $tmpmod = $mod) =~ s/\.pm$//i)
582 1 0 if sub { ;}->("module", $maybe)
595 0 28 if ($modobj->is_third_party)
606 0 28 unless ($dist)
616 3 25 if (defined $parts[0] and length $parts[0] == 1 and (defined $parts[1] and length $parts[1] == 2) and $parts[2] =~ /^$parts[0]/i and $parts[2] =~ /^$parts[1]/i) { }
630 28 0 if $guess
632 3 25 if (sub { ;}->("module", $maybe))
642 27 1 if $guess
645 10 18 if (sub { package CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants; UNIVERSAL::isa($_[-1], 'CPANPLUS::Module'); } ->('module', $maybe)) { }
17 1 elsif ($author and $version) { }
648 0 10 if ($maybe->package eq $mod) { }
10 0 elsif ($version) { }
0 0 elsif (not $version) { }
656 6 4 if ($author) { }
674 4 6 if ($maybe->package_name eq $pkg) { }
681 3 1 $ext ? :
706 1 5 if ($author and $author ne $modobj->author->cpanid)
725 7 10 unless $dist =~ /\.[A-Za-z]+$/
760 0 1 if sub { ;}->("module", $modobj)
762 1 0 unless ($author)
801 0 21 unless my $args = check($tmpl, \%hash)
808 21 0 if $self->_build_trees("uptodate", $uptodate, "use_stored", 0, "verbose", $conf->get_conf("verbose"))
868 0 7 unless my $type = shift()
879 0 7 unless my $aref = $cache->{$type}
904 2 0 if $aref
967 0 1 unless check($tmpl, \%hash)
969 1 0 -d $path ? :
970 0 0 unless $self->_mkdir("dir", $path)
997 4 6 unless ($i++)
998 0 4 unless $mod->_get_checksums_file(%opts)
1008 0 10 unless $mod->fetch(%opts)
1015 1 0 if ($index)
1017 0 3 unless $self->_update_source("name", $name, "verbose", $verbose, "path", $path)
1069 0 1 unless check($tmpl, \%hash)
1071 1 0 unless (-d $path)
1072 0 1 unless $self->_mkdir("dir", $path)
1093 0 1 -f $file ? :
1097 0 1 unless ($fh = "FileHandle"->new(">$file"))
1284 0 0 grep(/remote/i, @_) ? :