Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 33 49 67.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
153 1 42 1 $conf->_get_build("sanity_check") and not $obj->format_available
197 94 0 5 not $Loaded++ and check_install("module", "Module::Pluggable", "version", "2.4")
692 11 0 0 sub { ;}->($format) and not $modobj->package_is_perl_core
11 0 0 sub { ;}->($format) and not $modobj->package_is_perl_core and $target ne "ignore"
746 12 1 0 not $force || $prereq_build and $dist->prereq_satisfied("modobj", $modobj, "version", $version)
751 9 3 1 $conf->get_conf("prereqs") == 2 and not $cb->_callbacks->install_prerequisite->($self, $modobj)
762 11 0 1 defined $modobj->status->installed and not $modobj->status->installed

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
317 5 5 $mod->status->$meth || {}
367 0 3 $mod->status->$meth || {}
494 3 0 $doc->{'prereqs'} || {}
615 16 0 {2, 'install', 3, 'create', 0, 'ignore', 1, 'install'}->{$conf->get_conf('prereqs')} || ''
781 2 8 $cb->_status->pending_prereqs || {}
798 1 8 $dist->status->_prepare_args || {}
799 1 8 $dist->status->_create_args || {}
800 0 9 $dist->status->_install_args || {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
112 0 44 0 ref $self || $self
216 1 0 12 $ignore{$_} || $except{$_}
615 15 16 0 $target ||= {2, 'install', 3, 'create', 0, 'ignore', 1, 'install'}->{$conf->get_conf('prereqs')} || ''
746 12 0 1 $force || $prereq_build