Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 75 110 68.1

line true false branch
124 0 44 unless check($tmpl, \%hash)
126 0 44 unless (can_load('modules', {$format, '0.0'}, 'verbose', 1))
153 1 43 if ($conf->_get_build('sanity_check') and not $obj->format_available)
159 1 42 unless ($obj->init)
197 5 94 if (not $Loaded++ and check_install('module', 'Module::Pluggable', 'version', '2.4'))
246 0 21 unless my $type = shift()
270 0 30 unless check($tmpl, \%hash)
272 11 19 if $mod->is_uptodate('version', $ver)
274 15 4 if ($cb->_vcmp($ver, $mod->version) > 0)
310 0 10 unless check($tmpl, \%hash)
321 9 1 defined $mod->status->extract ? :
327 1 9 if $meta
331 0 10 if ($mfile =~ /\.json/) { }
360 0 3 unless check($tmpl, \%hash)
371 3 0 defined $mod->status->extract ? :
377 0 3 if $meta
381 3 0 if ($mfile =~ /\.json/) { }
408 9 1 defined $mod->status->extract ? :
419 0 10 unless check($tmpl, \%hash)
422 10 0 if (-e $meta)
431 0 10 unless ($doc)
442 10 0 if $doc->{$key}
458 3 0 defined $mod->status->extract ? :
469 0 3 unless check($tmpl, \%hash)
472 3 0 if (-e $meta)
481 0 3 unless ($doc)
499 3 6 if $prereqs->{$key}{'requires'}
511 9 1 defined $mod->status->extract ? :
521 0 9 if ($mfile =~ /\.json/) { }
524 0 0 unless ($doc)
534 0 9 unless ($doc)
600 0 31 unless check($tmpl, \%hash)
603 0 31 unless keys %$prereqs
633 0 31 if ($self->module =~ /^Bundle(::|-)CPANPLUS(::|-)Dependencies/) { }
636 0 0 $mod =~ /CPANPLUS/ ? :
655 2 29 if ($mod eq 'perl')
657 1 1 unless ($cb->_vcmp(sprintf('v%vd', $^V), $version) >= 0)
672 3 26 unless ($modobj)
677 0 3 unless (defined $core)
679 0 0 unless $tolerant
682 0 3 if ($cb->_vcmp($version, $core) > 0)
692 15 11 if (not $dist->prereq_satisfied('modobj', $modobj, 'version', $version)) { }
0 11 elsif (sub { package CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants; return unless my $fmt = $_[0]; return 1 if $fmt ne 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' and $fmt ne 'CPANPLUS::Dist::MM'; } ->($format) and not $modobj->package_is_perl_core and $target ne 'ignore') { }
714 2 28 if ($target eq 'ignore')
717 2 0 if (@install_me) { }
746 0 13 if not $force || $prereq_build and $dist->prereq_satisfied('modobj', $modobj, 'version', $version)
751 1 12 if ($conf->get_conf('prereqs') == 2 and not $cb->_callbacks->install_prerequisite->($self, $modobj))
762 1 11 if (defined $modobj->status->installed and not $modobj->status->installed)
772 1 10 if ($modobj->package_is_perl_core)
784 1 9 if ($$pending{$modobj->module})
802 3 6 unless ($modobj->install(%$pa, %$ca, %$ia, 'force', $force, 'verbose', $verbose, 'format', $format, 'target', $target))
817 3 6 if $flag
820 3 3 if ($target ne 'install')
821 0 3 unless my $dir = $modobj->status->extract
837 24 4 unless $flag