Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 55 128 42.9

line true false branch
61 0 2 unless copy($from, $to)
69 1 0 exists $opts{'undefs'} ? :
71 1 0 unless ($ua)
73 0 1 if $opts{'env_proxy'}
76 0 1 unless -d $mycpan
106 0 1 if ($lazy and -f $details)
115 0 1 if $fallback
120 0 1 if (-f $details)
125 1 0 if (-f $newlist)
127 0 1 unless rename $newlist, $details
147 0 31 if (ref $this_version)
149 0 0 if ($@)
156 0 31 exists $CPAN::Site::Index::findpkgs->{$package} ? :
157 10 21 if $this_version
159 0 31 if defined $registered_version and $registered_version > $this_version
180 0 23 unless defined $subdir
183 22 1 unless not @rest
188 4 4 unless -f $fn and $fn =~ /$tar_gz/xi || $fn =~ /$zip/
192 0 4 if (defined $index_age and -M $fn > $index_age)
194 0 0 unless (exists $CPAN::Site::Index::olddists->{$dist})
210 4 0 if $fn =~ /$tar_gz/xi
213 0 0 if $fn =~ /$zip/
221 0 4 unless $arch->read($fn, 1)
227 24 21 unless $file->is_file and $fn =~ /\.pm$/i and &package_on_usual_location($fn)
237 0 0 unless $arch->read($fn) == 0
243 0 0 unless $member->isTextFile and &package_on_usual_location($fn)
246 0 0 unless $status == 0
262 0 4650 if /^__(?:END|DATA)__$/
264 324 4326 if /^=(\w+)/
265 1241 3409 if $in_pod or /^\s*#/
270 31 3378 if (/^\s* package \s* ((?:\w+\:\:)*\w+) (?:\s+ (\S*))? \s* [;{]/x)
273 0 31 if ($v)
275 0 0 if $@
280 10 21 if defined $package
287 0 3409 if (/^\s* \$ $package::VERSION \s* = \s* ["']?(\w+?)["']? \s* ;/x)
291 10 3399 if (not $VERSION and /^ (?:use\s+version\s*;\s*)? (?:our)? \s* \$ ((?: \w+\:\:)*) VERSION \s* \= (.*)/x)
293 0 10 unless defined $2
299 10 0 if (defined $VERSION)
300 6 4 if length $ns
307 0 21 if ref $VERSION
308 21 0 if defined $package
320 0 0 if -f $globdetails and -f $globdetails and -f $modlist and -M $globdetails < $cpan_update
336 3 0 if $response->is_success
352 0 0 if exists $pkgs->{$pkg}
362 0 2 unless my $fh = "IO::Zlib"->new($filename, "wb")
367 1 1 $lazy ? :
388 21 11 if not defined $version or $version eq ""
392 0 32 if $version eq "undef" and not $undefs
406 0 1 unless &updatedir($dir, $root)
413 0 0 unless -f $fn
416 0 0 unless my $fh = "IO::Zlib"->new($fn, "rb")
429 0 0 unless ($dist)
447 0 0 if (not -f $fn) { }
0 0 elsif (-M $fn < $newer) { }
460 5 2 if -d $dir
463 0 2 unless mkdir $dir, 493
473 0 0 unless @$mods
477 0 0 unless ($ua)
479 0 0 if $opts{'env_proxy'}
485 0 0 unless my $fh = "IO::Zlib"->new($globdetails, "rb")
489 0 0 if $line =~ /^\s*$/
495 0 0 unless delete $need{$pkg}
498 0 0 if (-f $to)
507 0 0 unless ($response->is_success)